The further adventures of The Turtle Formerly known as Butch


Summary: Let me say from the start when a sequel was suggested to me, I thought: "There's a snowball's chance in hell, I'll do that" , but...I watched the Pet Psychic last night and she had a rooster named RooRoo , who hated his name, wanted the man who named his rival King to give him a new name. I am not making this up. I actually understand RooRoo's complaint. We once has a parakeet that we kept in the ding room, whenever we tried to eat there, he would throw bird seed out of his cup at us.. I figured that RooRoo was a sign so here goes:

Ray Kowalski could not believe his eyes. The area surrounding his turtle bowl was covered in turtle

food pellets and pieces of lettuce leaf . It looked like someone had scattered them all around. That was ridiculous. Who would want to throw turtle food around his apartment? Unless, Ray looked

carefully at his turtle , whom he now thought of as the Turtle formerly known as Butch, she had done it.. He was still trying to come up with a more feminine name than Butch, which apparantly bothered the turtle. Said turtle was doing her, yeah, her usual turtley type things, which mostly meant she was just sitting there. Ray tried looking into her beady little reptilian eyes, but he could only see one at a time. He picked her up and held her in front of his face. He could not even tell if she looked guilty. She just looked vacant. "All right, Ms. Turtle, there's no lying wolf or Pet Psychic around now, so what is your problem?"

The turtle just stared at him. All of a sudden the phone rang . Ray answered it and it was the gorgeous production assistant from the famous Chicago Talk Show Host. She told him the Pet Psychic was making a return appearance and that since he and Fraser and Dief and the turtle were such a big hit on their previous appearance, they would like to have them on again. Ray snorted. He said: " I will have to check with Fraser, but, yeah, sure, the turtle and I can come. Maybe she can help figure out why my turtle just threw all her food all over my Apartment."

They made all the necessary arrangements. As soon as Ray hung up the phone, he picked it up again. He knew he would have trouble convincing Fraser to go back on the show. Fraser was still smarting from being lied to by Dief. He called the Consulate and finally convinced Fraser to come on the show.

The day of the show Ray picked up Fraser and Dief. They drove to the studio. The turtle and Dief did seem to have a better relationship. Ray wished the same could be said for Fraser and Dief.

Dief had not packed his doggy bags and moved in with Ray and the Turtle, yet. The tension in the back seat was noticeable. Fraser was talking quietly, but firmly to Dief who whined in response.

Apparently Fraser was trying to get Dief to agree not to say or think anything that would embarrass

Fraser. The unfortunate horseradish incident kept coming up and Dief kept apologizing.

They arrived at the studio and were led once again to the green room. When it was their turn to appear, they walked out and heard the famous talk show host say: "Here are three of Chicago's

best looking law enforcement officers . Let's welcome once again, Constable Fraser, Detective Kowalski, Diefenbaker and Detective Kowalski's turtle. There was much applause, many wolf whistles and such. Fraser blushed. Dief rushds up to the Hostess and greeted her enthusiastically. Then he turned to the elegant grey-haired women beside her and greeted her equally enthusiastically.

"Diefenbaker, I see you have lost none of your charm since we have seen each other last. Thank you for coming. Detective Kowalski, Constable Fraser, it is nice to see you both again." The Hostess

broke into the conversation and said: "We received more mail about your appearance than any other

show. You four are all very popular."

Fraser blushed again. "How are things going with your turtle. I sense she is still not happy."

Ray smiled weakly and said: "Just the other day I returned home to find turtle food spread all over the room."


"I am not surprised." The Pet Psychic said. "You still haven't given her a new name yet., have you."

Ray sheepishly shoke his head no. "I can't seem to think of any good girl names for her."

"Have you thought of asking her?"

Ray again shoke his head sadly. "I'm sorry Diefenbaker", the Pet Psychic said, "What concern do you have about your name?"

There was an audible intact of breathe from Fraser and Ray was heard to mutter: "Here we go again."

The Pet Psychic said: "When you two first met, there was discussion about what the Wolf wanted to be called and you. Constable Fraser thought that he said Diefenbaker, but he actually said Studebaker and he just wants to clear the air."

There was a splutter from Fraser and Ray guffaeds. He blurts out: "That means we have to call him Stud." The audience roared. Fraser turned even redder and Dief smiled.

The Pet Psychic, quite straight faced, replied: "He would like that very much. Now back to the turtle.; she wants a name that is beautiful, tasteful and easy, not too long. Theresa Turtle is too cute.

Thelma Turtle is not beautiful enough and Tootsie Turtle is just not tasteful."

Ray looked at the Pet Psychic and then down at his turtle. He sais hesitantly: :"Well, I did think of one name that Fraser mentioned when he was telling me about Greek poetry, what, Fraser, see I do listen to you, sometimes, most of the time." The audience laughed and Fraser said: "And which poet

would that be Ray?"

Ray said: "Sappho."

Fraser said "You really were listening to me."

The Pet Psychic said: "The turtle thinks that is an excellent choice. Since turtles are amongst the oldest living creatures on earth, having a name from Greek antiquity would be lovely."

"Well, okay, Sappho, it is." Ray replied. "Is there anything you would like to tell me, Sappho."

" Maybe later. But I think you might want to consider getting a friend for her, a female friend."

The Pet Psychic added.

"Now, Constable Fraser, why is Diefenbaker concerned about horseradishes?" He is telling me that you don't have to call him Studebaker, he is quite used to Diefenbaker. However, he seems to be upset about the horseradish. Fraser sat up tall, shot Dief one of his snarkiest looks and sais:

Early on, we had an extremely embarrassing experience involving horseradish and an article of personal attire."

The audience exploded into laughter. The famous Hostess said: "Well on that note ,we will have to end this fascinating discussion . I want to thank all my guests for coming and making this such a special show."

When Fraser and Ray were once again back in Ray's GTO, Ray turned to Fraser and asked: "Okay Sappho and I both want to know why did Stud put horseradish in your shorts?"

Fraser just turned a brighter shade of crimson and slid down into his seat.