Rainbow's End Metal Detecting Association

Finds of the Month and Door Prizes
Congratulations to our winners this month for their finds.  Keep those searchcoils swinging and bring those goodies to our monthly "Show and Tell".
For the month of May 2004
Silver Jewellery
(100 points)

Sheila Bryant
Find: Irish Ring
Gold Jewellery
(100 points)

Colin Broughton
Find:   10K Ring
Silver Coin
(100 points)

Rob Cziraki/Lee Savage
Find:   1910 Fish Scale/1905 Nickel
(100 points)

Mike Gardner
Find: Fob Watch
Costume Jewellery
(100 points)

Rob Cziraki
ind:   Brooch                             
(100 points)

Colin Broughton
Find: Grafton Commemorative Coin           
(100 points)

Door Prizes
Silver 50/50 Draw
Scott Clare
Dave LeDrew
Eugene Whitelaw
Len Trakola x2
Connie Cage
Colin Broughton
Don Halovitch x2
Brenda Found
Bob Stephens x3
Ed Sutherland
John Sutherland
Don Halovitch
Rob Cziraki