406.10 71.07We have a variety of rock and mineral collections available in boxed display trays. The specimens in these
collections may be removed from the trays for hands-on examination and study. Rock and Mineral Collections Product (click for detail) Item # Item Description Price 1761-000 Mineral identification Kit
- The Mineral Identification Kit provideeesss a fun, easy and challenging hands-on approach for identifing minerals. The kit contains twenty 1.5" mineral specimens, a Laboratory Manual, Mineral Sort
Cards and testing tools. The Mineral Sort Cards provide an efficient method for mineral identification. There is no index to consult nor pages to turn. Once the mineral's characteristics (physical
properties) are determined just use the sorting needle to separate the cards containing the identified characteristics. $42.00 1300-000 Introductory Rock Collection - Fifteen 1.5" specimens in a
display box. Five specimens of each of the three rock types: igneous (granite, obsidian, pumice, basalt, porphyry), metamorphic (gneiss, schist, slate, marble, quartzite) and sedimentary
(conglomerate, gypsum, shale, limestone, sandstone). Includes an informational key and rock cycle chart. $14.00 1301-000 Introductory Mineral Collection - Twelve 1.5" specimens (hematite, pyrite,
graphite, gypsum,
halite, calcite, selenite, apatite, quartz, muscovite, olivine and microcline) in a display box. Minerals are elements or compounds generally formed by natural and usually inorganic
processes and, with few exceptions, have distinct crystalline structures. $22.00 1309-000 Igneous Rock Collection - Fifteen 1.5" specimens (biotite granite, granite, syenite, diorite, gabbro,
anorthosite, hornblende basalt porphyry, trachyte porphyry, felsite, andesite, basalt, obsidian, pitchstone, pumice, scoria) in a display box. Includes a key and rock cycle chart. To view more
igneous rock related items, click here. $14.00 1311-000 Metamorphic Rock Collection - Fifteen 1.5" specimens (biotite gneiss, graphite schist, staurolite mica schist, garnet mica schist, chlorite
schist, slate, phyllite, soapstone, quartzite, serpentine, epidosite, marble, serpentine marble, amphibolite, hornfels) in a display box. Includes a key and rock cycle chart. To see more metamorphic
rock related items, click here. $14.00 1313-000 Sedimentary Rock Collection - Fifteen 1.5" specimens (conglomerate, banded sandstone, sandstone, quartz sandstone, arkose, shale, oil shale, limestone,
oolitic limestone, fossil limestone, dolomite, rock gypsum, calcareous tufa, rock salt, bituminous coal) in a display box. Includes a key and rock cycle chart. For additional sedimentary rock related
items, click here. $14.00 1201-000 Introductory Earth Science Collection - This collection contains 75 specimens which are 1"+ in size plus a magnet, streak plate, hand lens and rock charts. The
specimens include the 9 minerals of Moh's hardness scale; 13 samples for streak, luster, cleavage, fracture and specific gravity; 10 rock forming minerals; 7 ores of metals and nonmetals; 13 igneous
rocks; 14 sedimentary rocks and 9 metamorphic rocks. $45.00 1220-000 Washington School Collection - This classic collection includes 40 numbered and keyed 1.5" specimens in a display box. It includes
8 rock forming minerals (calcite, pyroxene, gypsum, amphibole, quartz, muscovite, microcline, plagioclase), 7 igneous rocks (porphyry, obsidian/pitchstone, felsite, pumice, basalt, gabbro, granite),
5 metamorphic rocks (slate, gneiss, marble, mica schist, quartzite), 8 sedimentary rocks (calcareous tufa, limestone, conglomerate, fossiliferous limestone, sandstone, shale, bituminous coal, clay),
7 ores of common metals (bauxite, galena, hematite, pyrolucite, magnetite, copper ore, pyrite) and 5 ores of non-metals (fluorite, sulfur, barite, graphite, talc). In addition, it includes a copy of
our Introductory Guide to Rocks, Minerals and Gemstones (11200-BOK) and a set of four 8.5 x11 inch color charts (The Rock Cycle, Igneous Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks and Sedimentary Rocks). $50.00
1250-00S Classroom Collection - 50 numbered and keyed 1" specimens in a display box. Includes 7 rock forming minerals, 7 igneous rocks, 8 metamorphic rocks, 7 sedimentary rocks, 16 ores of common
metals and non-metals and 5 gemstones. Nine of the rocks and minerals of the Mohs scale of harness (no diamond!) are included in the list. A copy of our Introductory Guide to Rocks, Minerals and
Gemstones (11200-BOK) as well as a rock cycle chart are also included with the collection. $30.00 1229-000 Rock-Forming Minerals - This collection contains 24 specimens about 1" in size. It includes
6 minerals and 6 each of the three types of rock - igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. Minerals are chemical compounds or elements found naturally in the crust of the earth. Some minerals have a
fixed chemical composition, while others are a series of related compounds. Rocks are usually portions of large masses of material that make up the earth's crust. Most rocks contain several minerals.
$17.00 1800 USA Collection - A sensational collection that includes a geological specimen (a rock, mineral or fossil) representing each of the 50 states. Each specimen is "keyed' for easy
The key also includes a useful and interesting fact about a geologic feature found in each state. Specimen Size is about 1" x 1" x 1". The removable specimens come in a nice display
tray. $37.00 Physical Properties Collections Product (click for detail) Item # Item Description Price 1350-000 Unusual Physical Properties of Rocks - This collection offers an exciting look at some
of the most peculiar physical properties exhibited by minerals. Properties illustrated include double refraction, magnetism, taste, fluoresc..ence, thermal expansion and conductivity. The15 specimens
in this collection are approximately 1.5" x 1.5" in size. $24.00 1500-000 Cleavage Collection - Cleavage is the tendency of minerals to break along preferred directions. Some minerals tend to have
one direction of cleavage: basal; others two directions: prismatic; still others have three directions: cubic or rhombohedral. Cleavage in four directions is octahedral and in six directions is
dodecahedreal. This kit demonstrates 5 of these types. $ 9.00 1512-000 Fracture Collection - Fracture represents a mineral break other than along a cleavage or parting plane. Breaks may occure in any
direction but are usually around some imperfection in the mineral. Most minerals show an uneven fracture. A few have conchoidal fractures. Native elements like copper show a hackly fracture. This kit
demonstrates 5 of these types. $ 9.00 1501-000 Tenacity Collection - Various terms such as brittleness, elasticity, flexibility, malleability and sectility are used to describe the particular
property of some minerals. This collection includes six 1.5" x 1.5" specimens. $12.00 1511-000 Color and Streak Collection - Color and streak are important physical characteristics that can be used
to identify rocks and minerals. This kit contains eight mineral specimens and a streak plate for testing color and streak. $11.00 1530-000 How Minerals Are Colored - This study unit illustrates how
and why colors appear in certain minerals. The 15 specimens in this collection are approximately 1.5" x 1.5" in size. $18.00 1506-000 Luster Collection - Luster is the general appearance of a fresh
surface of a mineral in reflected light and is often helpful in mineral identification. The luster of a mineral is divided into two types: metallic and nonmetallic. This kit contains 15 specimens; 3
specimens showing metallic luster and 12 specimens showing the various types of nonmetallic luster. Nonmetallic luster may appear vitreous, resinous, pearly, greasy, silky or adamantine. $12.00
1502-030 Mohs Hardness Scale Set - Our best Moh's set. 1+" specimens (talc, gypsum, calcite, fluorite, apatite-triphylite, feldspar, quartz, beryl-topaz, corundum) in a display box. Our Basic Mineral
Testing Kit (see item 0900-K1B below) contains all the items needed to learn how to test for hardness using the Moh's Scale. We also have a card-mounted Mohs set for starters - see item 1502-03A..
$10.00 0900-K1B Basic Mineral Testing Kit -Contains everything you need to learn how to test the hardness of rocks and minerals. Includes a magnifier, magnet, streak plate, scratch tool, acid/vinegar
bottle, Mohs hardness scale and small samples of 9 of the 10 minerals included on the Mohs scale (talc, gypsum, calcite, mica, magnetite, feldspar, quartz, pyrite, hematite). $10.00 0900-DK Density
Kit - Various shapes are used to teach students how to make measurements in the Metric System and how to use the formula: Density = Mass/Volume. Students use the various materials to demonstrate
densities. Kit includes one aluminum bar, 3" x 1" x 1/4", two 1/2" aluminum cubes, one steel sphere, one glass sphere, one 15 cm scale and instructions. $11.00 1503-000 Specific Gravity of Minerals -
Teaches students about specific gravity or weight variation of different minerals. This kit contains 15 specimens that are approximately 1.5" x 1.5" in size. $30.00 1570-001 Fluorescent Mineral
Collection - 6 Specimens - Get out your blacklight and check out this collection of 6 specimens (hackmanite, fluorite, calcite, aragonite, chalcedony and willemite in calcite) that includes examples
of both long and short wave fluorescence. For a starter card of fluorescent specimens, see 1006-O1E. $ 8.00 1575-000 Fluorescent Mineral Collection - 15 Specimens - This collection allows a study in
detail of the response of these minerals to the range of ultraviolet rays (short and long wave). Specimens are about 1.5" x 1.5" in size. For a starter card of fluorescent specimens, see 1006-O1E.
$30.00 1521-000 Introductory Crystal Collection - This set of 9 specimens (two types of pyrite, fluorite, dolomite, zircon, aragonite, quartz, orthoclase and calcite) illustrates isometric,
hexagonal, tetragonal,
orthorhombic and monoclinic crystal systems. $20.00 KMH100 Mineral History ClassPak - Kit contains (1) "Out of the Rock" video; (2) historical highlights about the role of
rocks and minerals in the development of civilization; (3) 15 large (3"-4") specimens of rocks and minerals discussed in the video; (4) our Introductory Guide to Rocks, Minerals and Gemstones (item #
B11200-BOK); and (5) our Basic Mineral Testing Kit (item # 0900-K1B). Specimens included in the kit are bauxite, chromite, coal, galena, gypsum, hematite, earthy hematite, ilmenite, kaolinite,
phosphatic limestone, limonite, malachite, obsidian, sulphur and trona. Everything comes in a convenient, easy to carry, storage carton. For a complete listing of rock and mineral specimens currently
available, visit our Specimens page. $115.00 KSS200 Stories in Stone Classroom Kit - Includes: Stories in Stone Book Click here for a detailed description on our Books Page. 32 magnifying lenses 100
1.0" rock and mineral samples including 10 pieces each of basalt, conglomerate, galena, granite, halite, obsidian, quartz crystals, schist, shale and slate; enough for 10 work groups of students. You
save $10 off the regular price of the components of the kit if purchased separately. Click on the kit photo to take a look. $80.00 Click on the mailbox to e-mail us Page last updated on
06/26/02 |