12 CDs for the Price of 1!
School Health & Medicine

"We are truly successful when we can get into a child's eyes and see what they see, into their minds and know what they know, into their hearts....and feel what they feel." ~anonymous~

Hot Springs Medical Site

National Child Abuse Prevention Month!


My name is Shannon and I am an RN & EMT-B working as the Coordinator for Health Services in our local school district. I have been an HIV/AIDS/ Bloodborne Pathogens educator for our county. I currently volunteer with our local EMS as an EMT and working on my paramedic's licensure and on various committees with the state to better our school health programs.
My first three years working for the school district, I worked in a public school for moderate & severely handicapped students. This is the fifth year I have been in my current position. I am actively involved in the School Health Advisory committee and believe that team effort is the key to increasing the health and well-being of all our students. Together Health & Education personnel can make a difference!

On a personal note, I am a separated parent with 2 children. I have been a foster parent as well as a step-parent. I understand what it's like to be a parent using the health room frequently throughout the year as well.

Whether you are a health-care professional, parent, teacher, school staff or just interested in school health; this site is created for those seeking to find various school-related health information online. Information will change from time-to-time so come back and visit again.

This and all other pages associated with my web site are not in any way affiliated with the school board that I work with,nor have they stated they support or oppose what is included on the site. This is my own personal site, created and upkept by me, for sharing and learning about school health in general.

Main Page Areas

More Health Pages

Welcome Did You Know?
Information and Statistics
Sunscreen Campus Info & Problem Solving
Head Lice, Conflicts, etc.
What's New and In the News? Favorite Health & Medical Links
Readers'Storie,Q & A Calendar of Events
NOT Medical Terminology

Fun Quizzes To Test Your Knowledge

Safety Quiz Food & Medication Interaction Quiz
NOTE: These quizzes are to personally test your knowledge and are not able to be counted for any CEU's or other continuing education.

Readers' Stories, Questions & Answers

How do you do it?

Question : How do you think schools are doing in the area of teaching sex education in school? Are they following guidelines and laws or are you in a school district that makes up their own rules? What do kids need to hear us tell them about sex and relationships? Please send your comments to
Shannon, RN so I can post them here for all to see. We are all here to help each other.

Note: Identifying information of student is not given including name,specific location or other personal information. Identity may remain annonymous as well.

Please sign the guestbook before proceeding

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Page Index

Be a kid for a day - goof off and play!
Argue with words, not fists
Remember that babies and toddlers need LOTS of time and attention
Have you hugged your kids today?
Volunteer your time at your child's school
Talk to your children
Make family meals a habit - Turn off the TV and talk over dinner
Talk less - Listen more
Check the rules - Are they fair? Do your kids help make the rules?
Your children are not little adults - Don't treat them like "they should know better"
Catch your children being good - TELL THEM!

School Is In Session.....




It would be a perfect world if all students were fully immunized and had their papers in order the day they came to school.
Here is the American Academy of Pediatric Immunization schedule. It might come in useful if you print it out and give a copy to parents or school staff.

Some areas are having a problem with the different grade requirements. An idea that my county has come up with is a simple stair-step chart in which you match the year with the grade and it states all immunizations required for that grade. This also gives the families an idea of what is going to be expected ahead of time as well.

NASN position on Bloodborne Pathogens In School Settings

Immunization Schedule

Be sure to check your local or state Immunization guidelines and be ready to answer questions from the students' families.


Do you know of any recalls that affect schools or students? Please let me know.

So many school systems have problems coming up with a fair and safe policy on medication administration in their schools. Take a look at what the American Academy of Pediatrics says here about Medication Administration Guidelines

Page Index

What's New and in the News?


PLEASE BE CAREFUL OF THIS..... Homeopathic Immunization Drops: The advertisement states such ideas as "The fist bottle stimulates the body to overcome all the childhood virus diseases. The second bottle does the same for bacterial diseases, and the third bottle is for fungal diseases. It is that simple!"

It is based at CCUSA, Homeo-VAX Dept. 7315 E. Evans Road Scottsdale, AZ 85260. No phone number or anyone's actual name connected to this. This sounds like a scam or someone who is trying to take advantage of a lot of parents who are trying to find alternatives to immunizations. REMEMBER: This is not something supported by CDC, FDA, or the Pediatric Associations around the USA. Please caution your parents and give them plenty of information about the advantages of what immunizations can do for their child.

12 CDs for the Price of 1!

Please tell me what you think by sending your ideas and suggestions to:

Shannon, RN

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© 2001

NOTE: "The information on these pages is not to be taken as medical advice. Your webhost is not responsible for information contained on other websites.
Links to other pages should not be construed as endorsement or validation of information found elsewhere.
Always consult your personal physician or medical professional before acting on any information you read here or anyplace on the Web. This web site is in no way connected with the School District Shannon Bailey works for"