
I'll do something with it someday(Probobly just link it to the hugkid)

Friggin sweet we got a domain name

You maybe asking yourself what I'm doing with all the spare time I've got now that I'm taking two AP histories? not surprisingly I'm going allot of this (note how the quality of the paper steadily degrades the longer it has been in my binder);

class list

(sorry, my scanner is broken, I'll put the rest up when its back online or I steal one)

Or, if you believe yourself to posses the intestinal fortitude, BEHOLD, THE TOE THAT WOULD BE KING - you can see the classic pre-op Version 5.0, and here's the recent Post-op picture of the new version 6.0, it was taken the day I got back from the hospital

you can also see the long awaited John Kerry documents; watch as his minions try to fight the conservitive logic in part1 part2 and part3 (I was eventually kicked off the site and my IP adress along with the IP adress of my school was banned)

See the best local band...with in a 3 mile radius-Orgina

And of course, the best thing to happen to Delaware since it had a line on the simpons -

and while your at it, give a fat kid some love - Ryan Gibson, ladies and gentlemen, Ryan Gibson