The Left Field
Sci-Fi's Fortnightly Comic Strip
Storyline: Josette Joaquim and Patricia Pendino (soon to be Julian Tome)
Artwork: Julian Tome (soon to be Margaret Guillen)
First Appearance: Monday, April 26th, 2004. Tune in every two weeks for a new strip!
Every character in the comic has a real life member counterpart. It's for you to find out who they are. Enjoy!
IAP: During the day, an immortal girl. While she sleeps, an astral projector who gets her immense knowledge from the entire world. Neither entity is aware of its counterpart. However, while Real Iap absorbs the information that Astral Iap gathers, Real Iap will not remember a party that Astral Iap went to. It's odd.

ISA SANLORENZO: Dark and unique, she wishes to be a rockstar. She is unfortunately ignored by pretty much everyone. It all caused her to now speak only in poetic prose. Gothic, poetic prose. We're so sorry.

IVANA AXANA BALISHNOKOV: A blast from the past, she studies WitchCraft as a hobby. Not fully a woman, she came from 1429 Russia and has a major case of ADD. And yes... we weren't kidding about that statement where she's not totally a woman. It's scary.

AMYGDALA LEE: There is a good reason why this crossover between punk and pagan is always around when there is trouble: She owns a magical oboe that grants her wishes whenever she plays it. However, the spell goes awry 25% of the time.

DOCTOR MERCURY: This mystic traveller is known for disappearing from a crowd without anyone's notice. He is narcoleptic and telekinetic. A terrifying combo. He often just appears for a couple frames, during which he sends everything flying around the room, frightening Iap, Ivana, and many others.

MS. CARTIER: Often seen with an Aisha plushie in her arms, this Goth girl is strange and mysterious. She speaks only in Neopet terms and refferences. She surfs the net in her free time, which is constant. She is known to attack weaker beings with her plushie, swinging it at the speed of sound.

TOMMY CARPATHIA: Always quiet, except to make the original smart-mouthed remark, this strange boy secretly believes he is related to a divine being. Which one, we cannot tell, because he picks a new one daily. Unfortunately, Tommy has this interesting thing with fire. Not only does he like starting them, but fire tends to explode out of his eyes at the slightest annoyance. Be nice.

SPANKY THE PYROTECHNIC GARGOYLE: This character will appear only a couple times... you probably won't even see him when he does. Nothing is known about him, except that whenever he appears, he ends up dead.
Previous Comic
(Due to lack of webspace, only the strip prior to the one above will be displayed)

First Comic