Science Academy of South Texas
Class of 1995 Alumni Association
The Possibilities are almost endless...
In the near future (after the Reunion) this page will keep Alumni up to date with the Association's latest news; class events, charitable activities, and possibly scholarship opportunities for Alumni family members and graduating students of the Science Academy.  We're are discussing the best way to utilize our online presence. We welcome your input!

Our generation, has responsibilities to the future, and we hope to provide you with opportunities to contribute. We are in the
very early discussion stages of providing this type of service for our class. If you're interested in participating in a "Class of '95 Giving Committee", please email

We are also brainstorming about the feasibility of hosting a member's only login. Requiring username/password logins allows us to consider a wider variety of class news to post. Wouldn't it be neat to see Reunion pictures, or beable to upload photos of your graduation, wedding, trips, or new babies? We think it's a neat way to keep our classmates connected. Additionally, classmates would be able to more easily get involved with class activities.

We shall see, but for now...
"This Page is Under Construction and Evaluation"

Thank you for your patience, and certainly, we'll accept your suggestions!

~Class of '95 Officers