Science Academy of South Texas
Class of 1995 Alumni Association
Sci-Tech Class of '95 Reunion
Friday, September 2nd - Sunday, September 4th, 2005
We're looking forward to an exciting Labor Day Weekend! The reunion committee has sent out an email notice containing important information about our events schedule and how to RSVP for the Reunion. Please make sure to register for the reunion as soon as possible.

Do you have questions about registration and reunion plans? Please contact the reunion committee via email, ASAP. We typically respond within 48 hrs. 

Reunion registration and access to itinerary is limited to Science Academy of South Texas former students who either graduated, or attended at least 1 year of school, with the Class of 1995.

Early registration is open from August 6th - August 25th, tickets cost $45.00 (which includes; Friday afternoon reception,  Saturday dinner event,  Sunday cook-off, alumni directory, and covers other reunion costs including a class gift to the high school).

Late registration (August 26th - September 1st), tickets cost $55.00.

For more information, please send questions to, or contact us by phone at (979) 575-6723. We want ALL of our classmates to know what's going on. If we haven't found you, PLEASE find us! : )

~Class of '95 Officers
It's not too late to get in touch with us, start by filling out our contact form...