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I bid ye welcome, all ye weary travellers of the WWW, to my humble abode. You have reached the page of me, Scott Ooi. Kindly remove your coat, warm yourself by the fire, have a cup of fresh coffee. Yeah I know, not much of a fire but hey, we make do with what we have.

Much of this castle ( little shed is more like it, actually ) is still under heavy reconstruction ( not to mention a heavy paint job ) after a malicious sorceress, Examination, paid a little visit. So I beg you to forgive me for all the dust and nails still hanging around. The background has changed since I decided all that morbid black put me in mind of a mourning.

Right now I am in the midst of doing my new Chandler Bing and Phoebe Buffay page. Nothing new yet but I promise soon..

Thanks for reading this! Please drop any comments - compliments ( as if! ) or otherwise - into my mailbox.

© 1999

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Scott Ooi.

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