Baptisms 1743 Cockburnspath Parish, Berwick, Scotland
This page is very difficult to read, so there will be a lot of blanks or question marks
** Please note that names in brackets ( ) are not in the actual record. I have typed these here to help people using the search engine as there are many different abbreviations of names.
P = Parents
B = Baptized
W = Witnesses
codem die = same day?
Cock'r'pth April 10
P David Ker Eliza Fairbairn
B Agnes
W John Ker James Fairbairn
Blackburnrig? May 26
P James Cairns Alison Moffat
B Alison
W James Roughead James Cowen
Cock'path June 17
P Alexr. (Alexander) Roughead Helen Millar
B Alexander Bastard
W Presented to baptism by James Roughead the father not having baptized the Discipline of the church
Caster? Town Codem die
P John Turnbull Marg't (Margaret) Whitehead
B Mary
W James Whitehead George Tait
Hoprig June 27
P John Bald Mary Buchanan
B Elizabeth
W Willm (William) Scot Will (William) Buickless?
Castertown? codem die
P John Donaldson Chr'n (Christian?)Paxton
B Christian
W ---unreadable ---
Oldc..miln? June 28
P James Lawson Isobel Scot
B Margaret
W Will (Wiliam) Scot Robert Grieve
Dunglas July 8
P Thomas Wood Magd'n (Magdelene?) Smith
B John
W Ro (Robert) Sinclair James Roughead
Tower July 5th
P Willm (William) Glall? Mary Johnstone
B Agnes
W Will (William) Johnstone James Cossar?
Oldc? July 26
P James Hardie Ann Allan?
B Janet Bastard
W Will (William) Simpson John Coltherd
Cock'path Aug 21
P John Ricklington? Marg't (Margaret) Allan
B David
W David Lindors Joseph Allan
Oldc? codem die
P ??? Robertson Mary Cowe
B John
W Mathew Robertson John Cowe
Oldc Sept 4
P John Fairbairn Helen Grieves
photocopied page cut off