Freedom For Scotland
Scotland's Ma Hame
Rub it for luck
Dulcius ex asperis (Sweeter after difficulties)
The origin of the name Fergusson or Ferguson, "son of Fergus" (MacFhearguis in Gaelic), is shrouded by the mists of time. Medieval historians recorded a tradition that the founder of Scotland's monarchy was a Fergus who lived in Ireland about 300 B.C. Historical research dating from the 13th century confirms that by 500 A.D. the Scots under King Fergus Mor had left Northern Ireland and became established in Dalriada, now Argyll. From Fergus Mor, with a few early exceptions, descend all subsequent kings and queens of the Scots, including the present Queen of Great Britain. St. Columba of Iona (6th century A.D.) was a scion of Fergus Mor's royal line.
1st Generation
Decendants of
2nd Generation
Margaret Hodge
Born 10 04 1757 Cambusnethan
John Ferguson
Born 1747 Cambusnethan
Married 1772 Cambusnethan
Margaret Ferguson
Born 26 03 1776 Barrons Motherwell
John  Ferguson
Born 30 05 1773  Cambusnethan
Anne Ferguson
Born 23 03 1775 Cambusnethan
Mary Ferguson
Born 28 02 1778 Barrons Motherwell
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