Select a Quote from a Lancer Episode and write a piece in which that line is uttered in another context by a different character. (The exact phrasing of the line may be altered to better reflect the new speaker's speech patterns)

June 2005:

100 Words including the title


The woman intently examining the bolts of calico looked familiar. Teresa made her way quickly past the shelves heavily laden with an enticing array of fabrics.

"Hello, Mrs. Dane," she said, offering her right hand politely. "We weren't sure that you were still living here in the city."

"Oh, hello, dear," the older woman murmured. Then she looked up and her eyes glimmered with dawning recognition. "Why, you're Murdoch's ward, aren't you? Teresa . . . O'Brien, isn't it?"

With the brightest of smiles, Teresa displayed her left hand, adorned with a plain gold band. 

"I go by Lancer now."


Double Drabble/Double Quotes


"Who d'ya think she is?"

"I'm sure I don't know Brother, but I do intend to find out."  Scott Lancer quickly checked his reflection in the storefront window, made a minute adjustment to his hat and then began moving purposefully along the sidewalk towards the cluster of young ladies--- only to be halted by Johnny's firm grip on his arm.

"Hold on, Boston. Don't waste ya time, can't you see how she's lookin' at me?"

Scott eyed the group skeptically.

"Teresa does seem to be pointing us out, but I can't say I noticed those eyes lingering on you."  He started forward again.

"Now, wait a minute, there's an art t'handlin' a woman."

At that moment, Teresa O'Brien stepped away from the group, guiding the lovely auburn-haired stranger towards the Lancer brothers.

"Johnny, Scott, I'd like you to meet Miss Mary Shaffer."

Johnny stepped forward. "Hello, ma'am."

The young woman smiled briefly at him, then turned and fastened her hazel eyes appraisingly on Scott.

"Do I understand correctly, Mr. Lancer, that you're from Back East?'

Sensing an advantage, Scott swept his hat from his head with a winning smile. "Well, Miss Shaffer, I don't keep that a secret."


500 Words


"Here he comes."

Johnny Lancer was sitting atop the corral fence, leaning forward with his forearms on his thighs. Scott lounged beside him, his back against the fence and elbows resting comfortably across the top rail. Rather than washing off the accumulated dust and sweat of a hard day's work, the brothers were instead intently watching the door to the guest quarters. They were rewarded when Jellifer B. Hoskins, horse-wrangler and all around handyman, finally emerged. He was attired in his very best clothes, with his beard freshly trimmed and visible comb lines in his sparse grey hair.

"Whoo-ee, will ya take a look at Jelly! Whatta ya think he's all slicked up for?"

While Scott appeared to carefully consider the question, Jelly stuck out his bristled chin and marched purposefully past, not sparing more than a sideways glance at his two young employers.

"Well, Johnny, I do believe our friend Jelly just might have an assignation with a woman."

Jelly whipped around at that, glaring. "Waal, that just shows what you know. I ain't got no ass-ig--- whatyacallit, just me and Gus are havin' supper over ta Miss Dunbar's restaurant."

"Gus tired of cookin' for ya, Jelly?" Johnny asked with a laugh.

When Jelly only sputtered in response, Scott crossed his arms over his chest and offered his own assessment. "Brother, it would appear that Miss Guthrie is now 'calling the tune'."

Jelly took a few steps closer and nervously fingered his collar.  "Now Boys, it ain't like that atall."

"Well, Jelly, you are wearing your Sunday best. On a Thursday."

"Hey, Scott," Johnny asked, grinning down from his perch. "He wearin' that 'Oh' stuff again?"

"Oh yes.  Eau lavande  . . . romantique."  Scott removed his hat, waving it in a futile attempt to ward off the scent of imitation French cologne. 

"I tell ya, Jelly, things keep goin' like this, and before ya know it, she's gonna have ya completely hog tied."

"Many a good man's been lassoed by a determined female," Scott observed sagely as he resettled his hat. 

"Now, I'm still a free man . . ."

Johnny jumped lightly down from the top rail. "Yeah, well it sure looks like you're about to be tied down." He flicked the ends of Jelly's string tie.

Scott pushed himself away from the fence. "Don't worry," he said reassuringly, clasping the older man on one shoulder. "You might still be able to break loose---- if you pull hard enough."

"Goll-durned rope ain't gonna break fer me."

Johnny threw one arm up around Scott's shoulders and the brothers walked away, laughing heartily at Jelly's glum expression.

He stood forlornly watching them, until another hand settled heavily upon his shoulder.

"They're young, Jelly, they don't understand. Sometimes a man, when he's finally found the right woman, well, he's more than ready to be 'tied down'. Sometimes he doesn't even want to test the rope."

Jelly looked up gratefully and nodded. "Well, I reckon you got that right, Boss. You sure got that right."


June 2007:

200 Words including the title


"Wes tells me you're leaving."

"That's right, Brother." Noting the obvious concern in Scott's voice, Johnny grinned. Scott would cover for him; he always did. "Guess you own fifty percent of the ranch, huh?"

Johnny waited expectantly.

"Are you sure, Johnny?" Scott asked finally.  "This might all blow over in a couple . . .  months. Maybe you should try . . .  talking to Murdoch."

Johnny's hopes plummeted at his brother's doubtful tone. "Nah, forget that. I got a lot of places to go before they box me in," he replied, deeply disappointed that Scott hadn't offered to square things, yet determined to brazen this out. "You belong here."

Scott nodded solemnly. "Yes, I do. I killed Pardee, after all. And I'm already doing more than half of the work."


"Well, I'm sure you've thought carefully about this.  It was nice to have met you, Brother. Good luck."

Bewildered, Johnny grasped the extended hand. "Bye, Scott."


As Johnny rode off with Wes, Teresa offered a mild remonstration.  "Seems to me, Scott, you could have tried a little harder. You could have put up a fight."

Scott cheerfully drew her closer. "He's a man, Teresa. He's not a little boy. It's his decision."

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