cs2java is a translator to convert C# source code to Java source code.

cs2java is my thesis for my Master's degree for Harvard University. I submitted the proposal in Sept 2005, and my thesis director was selected in spring of 2006. My work is now complete, and my final draft as been submitted.

cs2java supports .NET Framework 1.1 on Windows. Sorry, it does not support generics at the moment. cs2java also uses antlr, which uses DLLs. So, I would suspect that Mono on Linux would be out as well.

The table below represents the first external releases to my work. Version 1.0 will be my Master's degree submission.

Thesis Proposal9/7/05thesisproposal.pdf
Thesis Final Draft10/13/08ScottHenderson.cs2java.thesis.pdf

cs2java news blog (supports RSS)

Who am I?

My name is Scott Henderson, and I am a software engineer with 13 years of experience. If you wish to contact me, please email me at:

Resume available on request.

antlr parser (cs2java uses it)
Frankel and Associates
Open Source Software for Windows