Maria, Kristin, Charles, Matthew and Sierra
Nana and PopPop loved you all
But they had to leave to answer there call
I know you miss them and so do I
but they'll be watching from the other side
In whatever you should pursue
I'm sure they'll be proud of you
They will watch you throughout your life
and will help you in your strife
When times are difficult they will pull you through
For they are there to guide and care for you
I want you to believe there's a purpose for all this
even though sometimes life goes amiss
You see now that Nana and PopPop are gone
I have no choice but to move on
I don't have what it takes to keep this home
so now it's time for me to pick up and roam
I must find a place to start over and make my life anew
Even though it makes me blue
It's time for me to move away
Believe me, I wish I could stay
But I guess the Lord wants something different for me
He's the one that holds the key
I must leave it in His hands
For only He knows what he has planned
I shall start my new journey and trust in Him
even though life looks so dim
Maybe one day I'll know the answers to my why?
and realize it all came from the other side
They were all watching out for me
and decided it was time for me to be free
I want you to understand
I must follow the Lord's plan
Knowing I won't see you as much, nephews and nieces
Is breaking my heart into little pieces
The thought is sometimes to much to bear
But always remember I will be there
You five wonderful children are very special to me
and I will be there for you to every degree
It may be from afar
but I know where you are
so if you should need me just pick up the phone
for you will never be alone
I want you to know I love you all like my own
and I will do what it takes so that you don't have to face the unknown
Life has many different paths you can take
sometimes you will make mistakes
Through the good and the bad I want you to know
you always have a place to go
My door is always open to each one of you
if you should ever need a place to try and renew
I guess it's ime for me to say good-bye
I ask that you do not cry
We will see each other here and there
so please do not despair
Aunt Sharon loves you through and through
but there is nothing I can do
I must move on and start anew
And see where life will take me to
Always remember I will miss you guys so very much
but I want you to know I will
Keep in touch.