The Forsaken  (2001)
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** of ****
Rated: R
Length: About 90 minutes
Writer & Director: J.S. Cardone
Kerr Smith: Sean
Brendan Fehr: Nick
Izabella Miko: Girl
Johnathon Schaech: Kit
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Sean is driving a car from L.A. to deliver it to Miami.  He picks up a hitchhiker, Nick, who is really trying to hunt down a gang of vampire like people.  Things get messy. 

There is a simple plot to this story, and it sticks with it.  Lots of violent bloody gore, naked chicks, flames, and gunfire.  It is actually kind of refreshing to have a classic teen horror flick that doesn't choke on it's own modern cowardice.  The on screen flashes representing dreams and flash backs irritated the audience as usual.  The legend of the nature of these vampires is a little different, and that seems to help bring the old stories up to date with modern medicine.  The plot holes, continuity errors, and stupid mistakes the characters had to make to drive the story do hinder the quality as a movie.  This is a little better than most in that regard.  The acting is up to the job, and the comedic relief is well done.  The entertainment value to the audience varied widely from person to person.  The score was effective at creating tension and drama.  If you like the genre, this will be okay, but it will be better with tempered expectations.