Lady in the Box (2001)
Official Site

**1/2 of ****
Rated: Not Rated, but call it a R
Length: 105 minutes
Writer & Director: Christian Otjen
Darren E. Burrows: Jerry Holway
Robert Knepper: Chris Stark
Paige Rowland: Jill Sweeney
Mark Sheppard: Doug Sweeney
Robert Glen Keith: Tipper Johnson
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In this suspense thriller film, a bored bartender is persuaded by a stranger into dumping a large heavy trunk into a lake.  He returns home to find a bloody mess, and his girlfriend missing.  The stranger reappears demanding another seemingly simple task to be completed.  The bartender is forced to go along with the plan and succeeds better than he was supposed to do.

The slow start to this thriller does hurt it, but things do get going when the complexities come out.  The darkness of all those night scenes does get tiring even though they are needed for the story.  The claustrophobic shots juxtaposed with the vulnerably exposed outdoor scenes do add to the thriller effect.  The acting is below average, and even if it hadn't been filmed in the wee hours of the morning, I still think it would be weak.  That does some how make the characters more real, which probably makes the unresolved ending resolution more believable for a hollywoodized movie audience.  The transitional shots of the local sights do help give the film a sense of place as the audience absorbs what they have just seen.  This is worth seeing if you ever get the chance.