The Price of Milk
Official Site

*** of ****
Rated: PG-13
Origin: New Zealand
Length: 87 minutes
Writer & Director: Harry Sinclair
  Danielle Cormack: Lucinda
  Karl Urban: Rob
  Willa O'Neill: Drosophila
  Michael Lawrence: Bernie
  Rangi Motu: Auntie
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This is a fairy tale comedy in New Zealand on a dairy farm with a 117 cows.  A young couple decides to get married, but the lady decides to test his love by being destructive.  How does this differ from real life you ask?  Well there are the mysterious [i]Jacksons[/i] who in the myths will make things disappear like socks from the dryer.  The plot takes a few twists to keep it interesting, and it does say a little about love and its nature. 

Quick Review:
This is a warped fun comedy, but some of the relationship turns may be a bit dark for some.  The relationships between the characters is reasonably well developed before things get strange.  Dedication to one's true love can take on many form's, and some of them are shown here in very weird ways.  The simple rolling pastoral hills around the dairy farm make for a contrasting backdrop for the simple people whose lives are getting much too complicated.  The humor in the beginning will translate to audiences well, but may throw them off when it comes time to understand the statement about love and humans.