Rio Escondido (Hidden River 1999)

zero of ****
Rated: Not Rated, but call it a PG
Origin: Argentina
Length: 87 minutes
"Writer" & Director: Mercedes García Guevara
Inés Baum: Lena
Elías Carrasco: Lucio
Pablo Cedrón: Luis
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Ana visits the town of Rio Escondido after she opens an odd letter sent to her husband.  The audience was annoyed at the pointlessness of this exercise, and those present to represent Latin American film, although perhaps not this specific one, could not come up with a point.  It was good practice for the process of film making, but they still need a writer.  Some guy even commented that it wasn't even good enough to be a chick flick.  The Latin American underpinnings of corruption and superstition were not present, but neither was much of anything else.  At least it was not long.  I saw it for free and I want a refund.