Say It Isn't So

Official Site

** of ****
Rated: R
  Peter Gaulke
  Gerry Swallow 
Director: James B. Rogers
  Chris Klein: Gilly Noble
  Heather Graham: Jo Wingfield
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A single 20 something man and woman find each other as the true love of lives, but are led to believe they are siblings.  People surrounding them have their own agenda, and the fun begins.

Here is another addition to the recent wave of movies founded on base humor.  This one is not as bad as some, and kept the audience laughing intentionally.  There was too much scatological humor, but the final incestuous joke wrapping up the movie was pretty funny.  The story is simple enough, but there are a few developments along the way to hold interest.  The presence of more than one important character with a disability is striking.  There are two strong references to two film classics that add to the show.  The soundtrack wasn't outstanding by any means, but it was good at enhancing the story.  

Sally Field practically steals the show in a dynamic performance as the gold digging psycho mom.  Orlando Jones delivers high energy as he consumes the screen with his presence.  Heather Graham's character is required to be dumb for the story to work at all.  She does a fine job in another [i]girlfriend[/i] role, but in this film, she does have a couple scenes that show she can act.  Chris Klein's character is required to be a little more flat than Ms. Graham's, but since the story yields him more screen time, he does get to show some ability to act as well.  The supporting actors are mostly good, and serve to keep the audience laughing.  There are a few major loopholes in the story that are needed to make proper lengthed a story out of it.  It is entertaining, and more so if you expect a lot of crude humor and you don't pay full price to see it.