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Two Hands
Official Site

Rated R
*1/2 of ****
Length as seen: 89 minutes, the Australian theatrical release was 104 minutes, and the New Zealand theatrical release was 94 minutes.

Written & Directed by Gregor Jordan
Heath Ledger: Jimmy
Bryan Brown: Pando
Rose Byrne: Alex
David Field: Acko
Susie Porter: Dierdre 

"It seemed simple. Just deliver the cash."  A 19 year old Jimmy (Heath Ledger) looses ten thousand dollars of gangster money through sheer stupidity.  The gangster, Pando,(Bryan Brown) sends his thugs to make an example of him.  Jimmy is hiding out from the thugs when he again lets his
other brain do the thinking. 

An Australian Gangster drama that had no USA theater release for a couple reasons.  First, the Aussie gangster drawl was hard to decypher at first with the surround sound on.  Secondly, the use of the word f**k was so heavy that sentences lost meaning and you had to reconstruct an entire paragraph just to get a piece of the story.  Thirdly, the movie just wasn't that good.  The story has been done before and was quite predictable.  Bryan Brown's portrayal of Pando was probably the best part of the film.  Jimmy was a contradiction between stupid and smart.  How is he supposed to outsmart people that he is dumb enough to get involved with in the first place?  It is a movie, so it works out.  The acting was fair, but no more inspiring than the story telling.  Alex (Rose Byrne) is the innocent girl from the country for which Jimmy devlops the romantic interest.  She does a good job here.  The story although not realistic, does have a logical progression.  Basically, none of the characters are very inspiring, and I won't be seeing it again.  The 15 minutes that were edited out were probably removed more for violence and continuity rather than for being just too darn entertaining.  The sound track was average, but it sounded good compared to the score. 

"It was only one mistake, but it was a big one."

Quote from Jimmy's brother "Something that's good can still have a little bit of bad in it, and something that's bad still has a little bit of good."  The movie had some good, but too much bad.  The girls will like the large amount of screen time that Heath gets, and some of it is in a swimsuit. ;)

1. These Days
2. Lucky Star
3. Walking Kings Cross
4. What Does It Matter
5. Stadium
6. Dark State Of Mind
7. Belter
8. Staircase
9. Down In Splendour
10. Heavenly Sublime
11. Fletcher's House
12. Two Hands
13. Love Theme
14. This Guy's In Love With You
15. Kare Kare