FINAL EXAM FORMATThe following is the format you will face on the final test, with some practice questions and answers, and the weight of each part in relation to the exam:PART I Oral Portion 20%On this part, you will come in for one-on-one conversation with me. I will hand out a sign-up sheet soon to fix the time. In this conversation, I will ask you to explain some grammar concepts for me, at random, and then give me a couple examples of each concept. For example, if I ask you, "Tell me about this idea of the conjugation of verbs in the present tense," I would expect you to come up with something like the following: "Conjugation of a verb is when you make the verb tell WHO is doing the action. The Present Tense means that the action is being done NOW, not in the past or the future. To conjugate a verb in Spanish, you have to drop off the -AR, the -ER, or the -IR from the ending of the infinitive, and add on another letter or letters to tell WHO is doing the action." Then I would expect you to tell me the following: AR verb endings are: o, as, a, amos, áis, an. ER verb endings are: o, es, e, emos, éis, en. IR verb endings are: o, es, e, imos, ís, en. Then I would expect a couple examples, such as: Hablar...Yo hablo español. Comer...Mi amiga come muchas pizzas todos los días. Vivir...Mis padres viven en California, pero yo vivo aquí. Be sure you can do something similar for EACH and EVERY grammar point listed in your pamphlet (or in the chapter outlines included in this website.)PART II Multiple Choice 20%These will be fill-in-the-blank style questions, with an a, b, c, d choice possibility. Examples to come...PART III Questions/Translations 50%I will take these directly from the list of Daily Quizzes that I've given you during the semester. No need for examples here, because they are EXACTLY like the questions and translations you've had in the quizzes. Some of them I will SPEAK to you, and you will write the correct answer down. Others you will have written on the test in front of you, and you will need to write in the answer.PART IV Maps/Identification 10%You will be given blank maps of Spain, South America and Central America. I need you to write in the names of each country, and each of the capital cities.IMPORTANT NOTE: I WILL SUPPLY YOU WITH A WORD BANK FOR THE COUNTRIES, AND FOR THE CAPITALS SO YOU WILL ONLY NEED TO REFER TO THAT FOR THE CORRECT SPELLING OF EACH PLACE. BUT MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHICH NAMES GO WHERE!!!
HERE ARE THE PRACTICE MAPS: First, the maps with the names written in:
Now, the blank maps, so you can practice: