I believe in YOU

Rehabilitation Resources

LinkShare Referral Program

Stress Less, Inc.

Stephens Thoughts and Things

Politics & Democracy

Camp Katahdin: A Tribute

Great New CD-New Day
by Doug Crate

Feed the Hungry at Good Spider

the Hunger Site Project

Tony Robbins Personal Power

Video Professor, Inc.


I believe in YOU

Without belief there is no movement, without belief there is no success. Without faith there is no hope. You must believe in yourself before you can take your next step. I believe in you and your ability to learn and grow to overcome adversity and get on with life.

This page is dedicated to promoting your empowerment. Click on the links in the side columns. They include links that will encourage you to maintain belief in your self. Educational resources, rehabilitation resources, spiritual resources and others.
Have a great day, and...

Keep the Faith.

We are the People Makers...
We smile they come alive
We frown, they hide their heads
We hurl belief at them
and they succeed

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Spiritual Support


America's Career Kit

O'Net On Line Career Development


Office of Disability Employment Policy

Independent Living Consultant

Take the FREE MAPP Assessment