Illusion of Power
- Needs to "win." Sees things in terms of black and white
- Power-hungry. Sees People as competition
- Depends on roles; demands respect because of "who I am." Employees and colleagues are not viewed as equals. Encourages fawning and cliques.
- Makes no substantive provisions for the wisdom of employees and colleagues.
- Nonthinking position; operates on the basis of prejudice,
tradition, and bias. Definesidentity by race, religion nationality, sex, position,
various preferences, stereotypes and righteousness.
- No admission of "humanness"; won't show feelings - sadness, tears, hurts - only anger or withdrawal.
- Takes aggressive-sadistic no-win stances: Does not acknowledge feeling angry, but pursues getting even.
- Wins by character assassination: "dumb," "dingbat," "stupid," "stubborn,"
"bad attitude," "weird," "odd,""lightweight," "incompetent," "uncooperative."
- Engages in value judgments with personality; good, bad, kind, generous, honest, dishonest - hence, setting up levels of expectation for employees and colleagues to live up to.
- Won't listen - hears only words, never feelings.
- Deals punitively (win-lose). Changes the rules arbitrarily. Won't admit mistakes.
- Speaks for the employee or colleagues: "We don't do that Mr. Snodgrass; do we?"
- Makes himself right by making excuses. Won't take responsibility for his/her impact on others.
- Invests energy in looking for what's wrong in a colleagueor his/her work. Overcontrols
by nitpicking instead of delegating. Counts beans - Squashes excellence.
- Discounts people by outright lying, telling half-truths, talking around an issue, giving only part of the data, lying by omission; keeping secrets; ignoring or keeping them waiting; "forgetting"; not keeping agreements, rescuing;