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The Three Bears
Once upon a time
there were three little bears - a Smoking Bear, a Well Manicured Bear, and a
Ratboy bear. These bears lived in a house in the woods, which is very unusual
for normal bears, but not for those involved in heinous conspiracies.
One day The Well Manicured Bear was making porridge for breakfast, but the porridge
was too hot. He was a hopeless cook. The bears decided to go for a walk.
While they were out, a beautiful little girl with long golden curls and an FBI
badge came to the door of their house, and knocked. Her name was Scullilocks.
She knocked and knocked, but no one answered, so she drew her SIG Sauer P226
and kicked the door in. Scullilocks was lost and tired, and very hungry. That
Guy had gone for coffee and donuts and hadn't come back.
"Hello?" she called out. "This is Special Agent Scullilocks,
FBI! Is anybody in here?". Nobody answered her.
Scullilocks went into the dining room, where she found three bowls of porridge
on the table.
She tasted The Smoking Bear's porridge, but it was too hot. Also, it had a cigarette
butt in it. She tasted The Well Manicured Bear's porridge, but it was too cold.
This is what happens when English people are let loose in a kitchen. She tasted
the Ratboy Bear's porridge, and it was just right! He must have cooked it himself,
she thought. So, naturally, she ate it all up.
Then she decided to sit down in the living room and read a magazine. First she
sat in The Smoking Bear's chair, but it was too hard, and was covered in cigarette
ash. Then she sat in The Well Manicured Bear's chair, but it was too soft, just
like its owner. See what happens when you keep tipping off the opposition? Finally,
she sat in the Ratboy Bear's chair, and it was just right. Unfortunately, it
only had one armrest. Just as she started reading her magazine, the Ratboy Bear's
chair broke into a hundred pieces! Luckily, her lightning-fast reflexes and
gorgeously toned muscles prevented her from falling and suffering an injury.
She planned on sueing someone over it, anyway.
Scullilocks was very tired now, so she went upstairs to look for a bed to lie
down in. First she tried The Smoking Bear's bed, but it was too hard, and the
sniper rifle kept digging into her ribs. Then she lay in The Well Manicured
Bear's bed, but it was too soft. If only he hadn't given That Guy those coordinates...
Finally, she lay in Ratboy Bear's bed, and it was just right. She had to throw
a whole bunch of magazines about naked men off first, but it was a very nice
bed. She fell fast asleep.
A little while later, the three bears came home from their walk. They went into
the dining room, and sat down to eat their breakfast.
"Somebody's been eating my porridge," said The Smoking Bear, glaring
at the others.
"Well, somebody's been eating my porridge too," said The Well Manicured
Bear, "so stop looking at me like that!"
"And somebody's been eating my porridge," said Ratboy Bear. "And
they ate it all up. Boo hoo! I'm getting my gun!"
The Bear family went into the living room to discuss what should be done.
"Somebody's been sitting in my chair," said The Smoking Bear. He admired
the shapely outline in the ash.
"Somebody's been sitting in my chair," said The Well Manicured Bear.
"Where the hell has my copy of The Times gone?"
"Somebody's been sitting in my chair, too," said Ratboy Bear. "And
they broke it into a hundred pieces. Boo hoo!" He deftly slapped a fresh
magazine into his pistol, which is no mean feat when you only have one arm.
By now the Bear family was quite upset. They went upstairs to check the rest
of the house.
"Man", said The Well Manicured Bear, "they better not have touched
my Spice Girls collection!" They proceeded to inspect each room.
"Somebody's been sleeping in my bed," said The Smoking Bear. He carefully
propped the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle against the wall. It had some sentimental
"Somebody's been sleeping in my bed," said The Well Manicured Bear.
He hoped the others wouldn't notice the empty vaccine syringes strewn about
his room.
"Somebody's been sleeping in my bed," said Ratboy Bear. "And
there she is! BITCH!"
"GROWL!" said all the bears.
Scullilocks woke up with a start, and the bears chased her all around the house,
until they were quite exhausted. But not Scullilocks - she works out. They all
stopped running, and Scullilocks turned to them. She explained that she was
lost and hungry and that she was very, very sorry that she didn't have a warrant.
Ratboy Bear was still very upset. All the bookmarks had fallen out of his magazines.
"So", said The Smoking Bear, as he lit up a fresh Morley, "That
Guy has let you down again, Agent Scullilocks?"
"He is such a disappointment!" said The Well Manicured Bear."And
after all the help he's been given, too!" He looked around, then hastily
added, "But not by me, you understand!" Phew. That was a close one.
Ratboy Bear sneered as he addressed the others. "I told you that you should
have let me kill him when I had the chance! We always end up in a mess because
of him!"
"Shut the hell up!" snapped The Smoking Bear. "You're worse than
The Fat Bear sometimes!"
"Yes, and do stop waving that gun about!" snapped The Well Manicured
"Look", said Scullilocks, "I'll leave you guys to it, you obviously
have some problems to work out-"
Just then, the back door opened, and in walked X Bear and Deep Throat Bear.
"Where the hell have you guys been?" asked The Smoking Bear.
"Why are you never around when we need you?" whined Well Manicured
Bear. "Can't you see we've had a home invasion?"
It was then that they noticed that X Bear and Deep Throat Bear were carrying
empty styrofoam coffee cups and had sugar on their lips. The kind they put on
"So", snarled The Smoking Bear angrily, "you've been secretly
meeting with That Guy again, haven't you?!"
"Because of you, this pretty young lady broke into our home, ate our food,
damaged our furniture, and messed up our all of our beds!" raged The Well
Manicured Bear. He turned to Scullilocks. "Not that I mind, my dear - after
all, I know how difficult life can be when you have idiots for partners..."
He glared at the others.
The Smoking Bear stubbed out his cigarette with grim finality. "What the
hell are we going to do about this?"
"Well, I'm going to go shoot That Guy." said Ratboy Bear.
Deep Throat Bear rolled his eyes in disgust. "You're such an idiot!"
"Yeah", said X Bear, "you'd probably shoot your other arm off
by mistake!" He'd never liked Ratboy Bear."
"Hey, now wait just a second-!" began Ratboy Bear.
"That's it, you're all crazy! I'm leaving!" Scullilocks had had enough.
"I'm going back to Shturmie's place. Don't even think about trying to stop
me!" With that, she spun around and walked out. Outside, she pulled out
her cellphone and speed-dialled Shturmovik[KGB]. As she walked down the path,
she could hear shouts and the sound of things breaking in the cottage behind
her. She smiled, a mischievous little smile.
And she and Shturmie lived happily ever after.
The End.
Copyright Shturmovik[KGB]
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