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My Bio!

I was born February 23, 1964 and have two brothers (Charles and Bill Jr) and one beautiful big sister, Melissa, who was killed in 1995 (love you Missy). My dad, William Scully, was a captain in the US Navy. He died in 1994 (miss you Ahab). My beautiful mom and friend is Margaret Scully. She and I don't always see eye-to-eye on everything, but then who does?

My fiance (and best friend) Shturmovik[KGB] and I have a beautiful newborn son named William. He's a real miracle baby, as I'd previously been diagnosed as infertile. My OBGYN says that Shturmie is a real man! I'm the luckiest woman on Earth.

Baby William is adored by Piper, the little daughter of my other best friend Gillian Anderson, with whom I often share an apartment in Georgetown, Washington DC for much of the year. We also spend lots of time with Shturmie at his mountaintop observatory and secret lab, which is in the South Island of New Zealand. The rest of the time we hang-out at Gillian's house in Los Angeles, where she works as an actor.

I've been employed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a Special Agent for almost ten years! Well, not quite, but it seems even longer!. Partly that's due to the total spaz I've had to work with, another Special Agent called That Guy.

Originally I was an instructor in forensics at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, but I was reassigned to a project known as The X-Files. These are a collection of fruitcake tales concocted by losers trying to avoid prosecution for tax evasion or serial murders and that kind of thing. Also, a lot of them were just plain crazy and craved attention. Unfortunately, Agent That Guy got these files dredged up and reactivated so that he could gallivant around the countryside and not do any real work. He's actually crazier than most of the people we have to deal with. Anyway, he was able to scam this project because he has a friend in the Senate (Richard Matheson). Makes you wonder why you bother to vote, huh? So, here I am, chasing bogeymen for a living...

I have degrees in both Physics and Medicine, which just makes my current position all the more tragic. The only reason I'm able to stay strong is because of the love I share with Shturmovik[KGB]. Thank you Shturmie, you are my rock.

Thankfully, That Guy isn't around a whole lot these days, and I don't seem to spend as much time on the X-Files as I used to. I have a friend in the FBI, Special Agent John Doggett, who was bought in to find That Guy when he took unauthorised leave a while back, and who has been here ever since. John is a really nice guy, but I suspect he's developed a little bit of a crush on me! I really don't want to hurt his feelings but I have to let him know I'm unavailable. Any suggestions welcome!

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