Scullysland! : Ask Scully! : Classified! : Interviews! : My Bio! : My Work! : VIP


Email your classified ad here. It's absolutely free

Big Brother/Sister: Are you looking for a mentor, somebody to guide you safely through the disturbing labyrinth of life? Somebody who cares and wishes to share their own experiences, helping you to become the Whole Person you could so easily be? Or maybe you just need a friend to share good times and those little secrets of personal beauty care! If so, email

He Seeks She: Financially secure 40-something Saudi-born gentleman recovering from failed relationship, seeks American companion for fun and good times. I like insightful conversation, Turkish coffee and heavy metal music. If you are a good listener and enjoy Woody Allen movies, email:

He Seeks He: Gorgeous one-armed guy, fun-loving, seeks other for walks on the beach at sunset, free-form jazz and international conspiracy. For picture and more, email

They Seeks She: Three good boys wish to meet healthy female of reproductive age. Appearance not important but must be fertile. Experience with hogs a plus. Write The Peacocks, Home, PA, 19568.i

He Seeks She: Single, financially secure 50-something senior law-enforcement professional seeks young-at-heart female with great ass to share friendship and fun-times. If you're aged 18 - 55, sensible, with a mature outlook on life and can obey direct orders, I'm waiting to hear from you! For a picture and more details, email me at:

Scullysland! : Ask Scully! : Classified! : Interviews! : My Bio! : My Work! : VIP!

Special Agent Dana Scully (and her partner Shturmovik[KGB]) reserves the right to edit any and all material received for publication on the Classified!© webpage for the purposes of clarity and due to the fact that I've seen better spelling and grammar at a dyslexics convention. However, no unnecessary changes will ever be made and context and meaning will be preserved wherever possible, even if your postings are sasquatch poo. See how nice I am?