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Diana Fowley's Page!

Hi! Welcome to the page which Special Agent Dana Scully and Shturmovik[KGB] kindly host for me! Here you can read about me and my precious darling, Special Agent Fox Mulder! No matter where we may be - sunning ourselves on a beach in Bermuda, hiking through the Sierra Nevada's, or just on a shopping rampage in Bloomingdale's - you can always check in here and keep abreast of all developments!

Faking my own death was one of the best things I ever did! Apart from the obvious tax advantages, it means that I can spend all my time with Fox, as he did a little fakery of his own: UFO my ass! That Skinner is just so dumb! I whisked in with a black-ops helicopter and spirited That Guy away to our secret romantic hideaway! And, man, did we put the love in lovenest that night!

If you're very good, and don't bug us too much, you might even receive an invitation to our wedding! It's likely to take place somewhere exotic, so start saving your pennies for that 'plane fare! It'll be a simple affair, although it's likely to be formal, but we'll confirm this for you soon. Just keep checking in here.

Also, we'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate Scully and Shturmie on the birth of their first child, William. He's gorgeous, which isn't surprising when you consider how incredibly good-looking his parents are! Scully is so lucky!

Here is a picture of us at our wedding rehearsal, and then the Honeymoon rehearsal afterwards! You know, Fox helped me choose the gown. He's so knowledgeable about such things and has impeccable taste. Sometimes I can't help wondering if maybe he might be just ever so slightly gay!

As you can see from our pictures, we shall be together for all eternity, so I'll leave you with some love poetry I wrote for my darling Fox.

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
I love Mulder,
and so do you!


Twinkle twinkle, little star,
where-oh-where is my Mul-dar,
Up above the world so high,
in an airplane, flying high,
Twinkle twinkle, little star,
I'd have driven him, in my car...


Inspired by Barney the Dinosaur:

I love Mulder,
Mulder loves me,
I love Mulder,
Mulder loves me,
I love Mulder,
Mulder loves me,
I love Mulder,
Mulder loves me,
I love Mulder,
Mulder loves me,
[Repeat until death]

Copyright Shturmovik[KGB]


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