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The Other Great XF "Thank You!" Page
So, you've spent the last few years gleefully bitching about The X-Files, and its cast and crew. "The ratings are in the toilet; Chris Carter, Frank Spotnitz and John Shiban are liars, cheats, shitty writers and creeps; the stories are lame now; Robert Patrick is old, ugly, wrinkled, and his accent sucks; Annabeth Gish is stupid and a lousy actress; and why - Oh, why - won't Ten Thirteen Productions stand up and declare to the World the obvious fact that my fanfiction is so much better than anything they could ever write?" Yeah, right.
But now the show's about to end! What to do?
Naturally you wish to add your name to The Other Great XF "Thank You!" Page. Afterall, what if the folk at Ten Thirteen Productions have decided to do something extra nice, such as throw a big party for everybody, or something like that? Maybe if you don't add your name to this list you won't be invited. GASP! Can't have that - you're the ultimate fan, right...?
So, you self-absorbed, two-faced bunch of hypocritical scumbags, email me and I'll add your name to my list. And, as a bonus, you'll receive a visit from Mr. Bat.
Special Agent Dana Scully, FBI.