Scullysland! : Ask Scully! : Classified! : Interviews! : My Bio! : My Work! : VIP

My Work!

Here's me at the dump they call my office. Actually, they don't even call it my office and never have. It belongs to Agent That Guy, as you probably guessed from the decor. I never even had a desk of my own for years! Anyway, don't I look excited? As you can also see from this picture, That Guy is a complete bozo. He thoroughly deserves his bitch girlfriend, Special Agent Diana Fowley. He is so bad that she faked her own death just to get away from him. Fat chance.

We used to spend a lot of time chasing a bunch of old guys. Why? Well, That Guy was convinced that they were secretly running the world. More of his conspiracy crap. What a jerk. As a result, they used to take great pleasure in tormenting That Guy at every opportunity. My darling Shturmikins kindly wrote up a journal, so here are some of the various escapades that have occurred over the years...

CarterFic! - NEW! What the Boys and Girls of Ten Thirteen Productions Get Up To!

'Beginnings' - How I Was Introduced To The X-Files Project!

'A Poem For The Season' - Merry Christmas!

'A Day In The Life' - The Things We Have To Put Up With!

'The Operator' - An FBI Wiretap Transcript

'At The Movies' - We Can't Even Have A Peaceful Night Out!

'Days Of Milk And Cookies' - The Good Old Days

'Talk Radio' - Fun And Games On The Air

'A Walk In The Park' - Another Day Almost Wasted

'One Fine Night At Our Place' - You Shoulda Bin There!

'A Whale Of A Time' - The Partying Never Stops In DC!

'In A Smoke Filled Room' - Behind Closed Doors

'The Time Of Their Lives' - Boys Will Be Boys, I Guess.

'Fighting The Future' - Fame, Fortune, Whatever.

'The Three Bears' - Once Upon A Time...

'The Old Men And The Sea' - Everybody Needs Time To Relax!

'The New Kids From The Back Street' - New Year, New Millennium, New Image!

'Making the World Go 'Round' - One Afternoon In Skinner's Office

'Late One Night, Out With The Guys' - A Man's Gotta Eat


Scullysland! : Ask Scully! : Classified! : Interviews! : My Bio! : My Work! : VIP!
*Note: almost all of these stories were bashed out in a fit of XF passion upon various Internet message boards. Any errors or typos should therefore be considered in that context. When time permits, I correct any that I find, but many of these stories remain "raw".