Name: Ashley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1999-07-27 21:37:45
Minnie! What an excellent page! By the way, i got to your page from Karen's Pet Site, and I would like to say a few words about Mrs. Karen Collony...for your info. She seems like a great gal, and i do admit, her site is excellent, but i once emailed her, and what she sent back to me, one of her fans, was a bunch of the rudest words I have ever read! I dont want to spoil your time here at your great guestbook, but i just wanted to let you know, because I wouldnt want her to do this to one of your family members checking out her site. :( I think your page is great! Email me back if you have time, and keep up the wonderful work!