Play Ball! - home to Sisko and Dukat romances

Yes, it's another Fuh-Q-Fest! Or more accurately - 2 of them!

As there can never be too many Dukat or Sisko stories, I hereby invite any and all fans of these most delectable of men to chime in with a long, medium or short tale, pairing Sisko OR Dukat with any character in any Trek series!

The look and feel of this archive is, of course, an homage to these epiphanous creatures and their obsession with the Emissary's Baseball. ;)

There are 3 consecutive deadlines for stories, so if you miss one, you can still join in for the other two rounds. But there's a reward for taking part in all three of them!

(Btw, many thanks to Carola - the initiator of the first Fuh-Q-Fest - for the excellent idea!)

Please note that this archive will host romantic writings of a (usually) adult nature. There'll be both het and slash stories here, so if either is not your thing, avoid those stories.

If you're not old enough to be reading smut at all, please go away now!


Here's how it works:

To sum up - you can write 1, 2, 3 or 47 stories. It's entirely up to you how many rounds and which ones of them you participate in! You can deliver the stories by the deadlines, or you can have them ready next week. (Aren't I being hopeful?)

To get to FIRST BASE, pick your pairing from a list of available ones - please feel free to suggest a pairing I haven't listed if you wish to write it! But it must be a pairing that has not yet been chosen by anyone else for the first round!
DEADLINE: September 15, 2001

To get to SECOND BASE, write any pairing you like. Choose a new one, or pick one that's already been taken for the first round. There can be several stories with the same pairing here.
DEADLINE: October 31, 2001

THIRD BASE works like second. Any pairing (including chosen ones) is up for grabs and there's NO DEADLINE!

However... :)

... if you want TO SCORE A HOMERUN as well, you need to do 2 things:
  1. Write at least one story for each round - that's a total of 3 stories with either Sisko or Dukat, or 2 x Sisko and 1 x Dukat, or... you get the idea.

  2. For at least 1 of these stories, you must write a challenge story OR request (on list or by e-mail) to have a pairing assigned to you.

    To make it more fun for you, I'll give you the option of narrowing the parameters, because I'm sure I'm not the only who doesn't watch every Trek series. I also don't believe that writing about a character you can't stand is as much a challenge as it's a boring waste of time. Hence, you could, for example, ask for a Sisko pairing, but not with any Voyager character. This is also where you tell me if you don't want to be writing either slash or het.
    You'll be given two options!

    Pick your pairing freely but go here for a scenario.

Why would you want to score a Homerun?
Because there's an award! I don't believe voting for the "best" story is an objective means of rewarding a writer, but giving out an award for a writer who's prolific as well as up to a challenge merits an award!
This is the Play Ball! Award you'll be given for your website if you score a homerun.

Award Sample

To participate in this Fest:

You should join the sdu_ff mailing list. Please note that lurking is not allowed! The whole object of these Fuh-Q-Fests is to generate stories. If you join, you must submit at least 1 story. And please, post feedback as well!

HOWEVER, you don't have to be on the list to submit stories to the Fest and be eligible for the award!

Click HERE to find out how to submit a story, and the button below to join the list.

Click to subscribe to sdu_ff

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