We've made a permanent move to beautiful Ireland and now have much greater access to McLoone ancestral information straight from the original sources. To join, please click on the 'PayPal Subscribe' button, below, to join the Clan (if you have any problems with this just email me at tisnancy@live.com and I'll assist you): Once you are registered as a member, your username and password will be emailed to you and your ancestral information will be added to our online database so that others who are searching can find any matching ancestral information ~ We hope to welcome you as our newest member. Your transaction is guaranteed to be safe and secure. Just click on the PayPal 'Subscribe' button, below, to join the McLoone Clan: But how much more it is to behold an ancient family Which has stood against the waves and weathers of time." - Francis Bacon Like stars upon the midnight,today their lustre gleams, Gone are the great old houses ~ the proud old names are low That shed a glory o'er the land a thousand years ago. wheresoe'er a scion of those great old houses be, In the country of his fathers or the land across the sea, In city, or in hamlet, by the valley, on the hill, The spirit of his brave old sires is watching o'er him still." C�ad M�le F�ilte McLoones! Welcome McLoones! I have found that the McLoone family of Ireland descended from Mac Giolla E�in (Servant of St. John) and that it is an Ulster surname found chiefly in Donegal and Tyrone counties. Variations of the name include MacLoon, MacLune, MacLoone, M'Ellowen, Magloan, Magloin, Maglone, Malone, MacAloon, MacAloone, MacClune, MacLune, Gilloon and Gloon. The McLoone Clan is your online source for genealogical information about the Irish surname McLoone in all it's spelling variations. We are committed to providing you with an extensive online genealogical database to facilitate networking between McLoone descendants. When you become a member of the Clan, you are eligible to add your ancestral information to our online database. The internet is a powerful genealogical tool. You will be able to browse through the database seeking a match to your information and since the contact information is provided for each member, should you find a match, you'll be able to contact other members to share information and resources. If you're researching the Irish surname McLoone, you owe it to yourself to join the McLoone Clan and enjoy the resources offered by our Clan's online presence. Please consider joining the McLoone Clan ~ membership provides access to our Online Research Database and other valuable research sources for McLoone (including all the spelling variations of the surname) ~ membership is available for a very nominal fee ~ $25 per year ~ and your membership and participation allows us to expand our resources for all to enjoy. The McLoone Clan gives you the resources and flexibility to extensively network with other McLoone descendants. For T-Shirts, Mousepads, mugs, clothing and lots more with the McLoone Coat of Arms and the Irish Cottage image above, please go to the Irish Country Store ~ Very reasonably priced products ~ Come on over and take a look! |