¤Dolphin Haven¤

~It is a personal choice , and no matter what it should stay that that way

~Women can't think for themselves, they need the government to tell them what to do

Abortion is a complicated issue. As you can see, there are 2 distinct viewpoints. If you use this page correctly, you should be able to gain all the knowledge you need about abortion

What Abortion Is:

Every life is sacred. So why ruin one by forcing it to give birth???

Abortion should stay legal. First off, there are already physical danger, critisims, and high costs that should be kept out in the open. These make abortions harder than they should be.

If we allow people to abort having an unwanted child, I feel this is a wise decision. There wont be so many unwanted children or unwilling parent now (or in the near future). And there will be a happy, healthy and smart population in the future generation.

So why not stop a life before it is created- instead of torturing it afterwards, and preven ruining someone elses? There are already plenty of children in orphanages now, do you want them to be overcrowded?

Aborting having a child is something the woman should decide, not the government. If this countries' citizens are claimed free, then isn't it also free for us to make the choice of bringing another life into our overcrowded world?

Abortion clinics provide work for Americas' people, and a smart choice for Americas' Women. The bulges in their bellies' are not children, they are a chance to not bring a life into this world after all, with our new technology. Sometimes technology is a bad thing, but this is probably the best technology us humans have invented yet.

What is this about fetuses being human? This is not scientificly true. A good example is another animals' fetus: a chicken. This is a simple example, expescially since the fetus does not develop (is not grown) inside the mother. However, the idea is the same. The fetus (contents of the egg) is not alive. This is an example of the human egg before it is fertalized inside the parent. After it is fertilized, it begins to develop, but is not legally "alive" until it is born. Sometimes eggs' we recieve in markets are already fertilized by male chickens. It is impossible to tell that they are fertilized. The same goes basicly for a human, except when a human fetus develops it does not stay the same size. It expands, and so is visible eventually as a bulge in the mothers' belly. Imagin a baby chicken hatching from an egg you were about to eat. It wasn't alive to you before. It was simply an egg, an edible chicken fetus. However, each egg contains possible life. Life that is not truely life until it takes its own, independant breath.

Fetuses are not people. People as defined in science are independent organisms, they scavange and hunt for food. Fetuses, on the other hand, are hooked up to their mothers' umbilical cord. Fetuses get air from their mothers' blood. Fetuses do not breath. Fetuses do not think, do not see, and for all we know, do not feel. This is a good possibility, since their brain (wich allows the sense of feeling) is not developed enough to comprehend the signals that the un-developed nerve-system would give if it were an actuall human. However, before the fetuses' brain is able to even obtain valid nerves, it should be aborted. Fetuses are basically parasites.

Aborting having a child is something the woman should decide, not the government (who gets money for every new law they make) or the general publics' vote (most of whome may be ignorant enough to think that the fetus is a real human and can feel. This is understandable, but is not true. Like other animals' pre-born, the human fetus is not alive. The child, pup, calf, kitten, pup, hatchling, etc is alive. Not the fetus. The fetus cannot feel until it is born- or hatched-. It is then developed enough to have feelings). Wow, is that a loooong sentance!

Fetuses are not children, they are more like plants. They belong to the mother, are grown in the mother-by the mother, and are tottaly dependant upon the mother. Fetuses are now a choice, now that we can rid them from our bodies using technology. But when the take a breath, when they are born, they then become a child. They are then a responsibility. They can then feel, and so are entitled to the rules and rights the government has control of now.


For the Person
The person (mother-to-be) will not have to spend thousands of dollars on the child, probably most of wich she does not have. In wich case, poverty levels wont increase. She wont havea huge conflict with her career, school, or family life. Time wont have to be spent away from these things to give a painful and expensive birth to an unwanted child she is not ready to give responsibilty for. The person will not have to experience miscarriges, or any other unusual-but-painful task sometimes (or always) needed in the process and preparing for giving birth. Let's not get into details.
The mother wont have to pay for daycare or babysitting, and wont have to take on a respons ibility she may not be ready to handle.

For the child
The child will never have to experience mental, physical, or physciological pain. It wo nt have to live with a disability (wich happen more often to children that are a result of unwanted birth. The child will never have to grow up in a bad neighborhood, never have bad medical/dental care, never have to experience poverty or be on welfare, never be critisized for it, never be raped, never be beaten up by gangs or their boyfriend, never be rejected by family or friends, never not have their say, never run away, never be a bother, never have a bad educaition, never become a theif, criminal, murderer, kidnapper, etc etc etc etc.

Misconceptions About Abortion

This article refutes some common misconceptions about abortion.

Human life begins at conception.

There is no scientific consensus as to when human life begins. It is a matter of philosophic opinion or religious belief. Human life is a continuum---sperm and eggs are also alive, and represent potential human beings, but virtually all sperm and eggs are wasted. Also, two-thirds of human conceptions are spontaneously aborted by nature.

Abortion is the murder of a person.

Personhood at conception is a religious belief, not a provable biological fact.

Religious communities have differing ideas on the definition of "person" or when abortion is morally justified. In the Canadian courts, however, a fetus has consistently been found not to be a person with legal rights.

Abortion is morally wrong.

Most people reject the position that abortion is always wrong. In fact, abortion often has positive benefits for women's lives and health. Many people believe that bringing an unwanted child into the world is a crime, and that forcing a woman to have a child against her will is morally wrong. Many who are opposed to abortion for religious or moral reasons believe that it is wrong to impose their values by civil law on everyone.

The fetus should have rights under the law.

If fetal rights were enshrined in law, women's bodies, rights, and health would be subordinated to the protection of embryos. The legal consequences of such a law would be catastrophic. The best way to protect the fetus is to promote the health and well-being of women.

Abortion should not be legal and must be stopped.

Laws have never stopped abortion, but only made it unsafe for women. Abortion is a universal practice that has been with us since the beginning of time, whether legal or illegal.

Most Canadians believe that abortion should be illegal. The majority rules in a democracy.

About 78% of Canadians believe that abortion is a private matter between a woman and her doctor. Human rights are guaranteed for everyone and are not subject to the whim of the electorate. Even if only a minority believed in freedom of choice, that right should be protected from the tyranny of the majority.

Pro-life is pro-family. Pro-abortionists are anti-family. Abortion destroys the family.

Legal abortion helps parents limit their families to the number of children they want and can afford. This strengthens and stabilizes the family unit. Therefore, pro-choice is pro-child and pro-family. Anti-abortion laws can cause stress and hardship for families with insufficient resources to raise unwanted children. Families with unwanted children often consist of a child and her child, living at the lowest levels of society.

The right of the unborn to live supercedes any right of a woman to "control her own body."

Margaret Sanger said, "No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her own body." This concept is fundamental for women. Bearing a child alters a woman's life more than anything else. Other women's rights are hollow if women are forced to be mothers. Being born is a gift, not a right. People don't ask to be born, and some even wish they weren't.

If a woman has sex, she has to pay the consequences. Too many women have abortions for their own convenience or on "whim."

This vindictive, self-righteous attitude stems from a belief that sex is bad and must be punished. Motherhood should never be punishment for having sex. Forcing a child to be born to punish its mother is the ultimate in child abuse. Anti-abortionists trivialize motherhood and childbirth by dismissing pregnancy as a mere inconvenience. They ignore or belittle the needs of the woman and the conflict she endures in making her decision. Guilt is inflicted when compassion is needed.

Opposition to abortion is common in all segments of society. It is not a campaign by religious groups trying to foist their beliefs on everyone else.

The Catholic Church and the "religious right" are the backbone of the anti-abortion movement. Pro-choice religious people see anti-abortion laws as a violation of religious liberty. Abortion is a religious issue, because the stated basis of opposition to abortion is the theological question of when personhood begins. Also, religious doctrines that dictate female subservience and a childbearing role for women are the real hidden agenda of opposition to abortion.

Many women are coerced into having abortions. Abortion clinics push women to have abortions, and don't inform women about alternatives to abortion.

Partners, parents, or friends may sometimes urge a woman to have an abortion, even if she is unsure or would prefer to have the baby. Therefore, abortion clinics provide compassionate counseling to all patients, to make sure the woman's own concerns and needs are dealt with. Options counselling provides women with full information on alternatives to abortion. If women seem ambivalent about abortion, or feel pressured by others, counsellors will encourage them to take more time to think about their decision.

Abortion is dangerous and medically risky. It is not as safe as natural pregnancy. Abortion increases the risk of miscarriage in future pregnancies, and infertility.

The risk of dying from childbirth is about 13 times that for early abortion, and the overall abortion complication rate is extremely low, about 25 times lower than for childbirth. First-trimester abortion has become one of the safest and simplest medical procedures of all, one that can be quickly and routinely performed even by nurses as well as doctors. Having an abortion will not adversely affect a woman's future reproduction. Legalized abortion has had a positive impact on the health of American women by providing them with a safer way to terminate their pregnancies.

Abortion increases the risk of breast cancer.

Scientific studies show there is no link between abortion and higher rates of breast cancer. This is the conclusion of major health organizations in North America, including the Canadian Cancer Society.

There are too many late abortions. Women shouldn't wait so long.

Virtually all pregnancies are done in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and only a few after 16 weeks. Most late abortions are done for health reasons. Ironically, anti-choice harassment, laws, and defunding cause delays and lead to increased numbers of late abortions.

The anti-abortion movement is not opposed to contraception.

The same people who oppose legal abortion often oppose contraception as well. This position is irresponsible and hypocritical. If anti-abortionists used their well-funded organizing power to promote contraception and sex education instead of fighting legal abortion, they could likely cut the abortion rate in half within a few years.

Making contraceptives and abortion available only encourages teenagers to have sex.

Teen sex has complex societal causes, including sexually-oriented TV, movies, and ads. Studies have shown that where birth control, abortion, and comprehensive sex education are readily available (such as in the Netherlands), teenagers have less sex, not more, and abortion rates go down. Further, abstinence-based sex-ed programs in schools don't stop many teenagers from having sex; instead, they increase the likelihood of unsafe sex. Reality dictates that birth control and abortion be available to help prevent teens from becoming parents.

Minors should have their parents' consent before having abortions, and wives should have their husbands' consent.

Mandatory parental involvement laws obstruct exercise of the abortion right. Such laws are bad for several reasons: they cause girls to delay seeking medical care, and they do not exempt girls with abusive, ill, absent, or anti-abortion parents. It is not possible to legislate good family relations. The right of privacy allows women to be free of government interference in decisions about childbearing. Courts have said that when a couple disagree, only one view can prevail, and that it should be the woman's because she physically bears the child and is more directly affected by the pregnancy.

Adoption is a better alternative to abortion.

A woman should be able to decide for herself. Some women do choose adoption, but many more choose single parenthood. Adoption is a difficult route for anyone to take, and it is not fair to demand that women make such a sacrifice. For a married woman, giving a baby up for adoption is virtually impossible.

Abortion is being used as a method of population control in underdeveloped nations.

Virtually all women would rather rely on contraception than abortion, but in some countries, contraception is expensive or unavailable and women are forced to resort to abortion. Although abortion is a legitimate way to allow individuals to limit their childbearing voluntarily when a country's resources cannot support its population, pro-choice people oppose forced abortion.

Most unwanted pregnancies become wanted children. Women who have abortions regret their mistake later.

Many unwanted babies are abused and neglected, and suffer lifelong developmental and social problems. Many women make mistakes in having babies they don't want and can't love or care for. A few women may come to regret their abortion, but this should not be a reason to deny choice to all women.

Abortion causes psychological damage to women. They suffer guilt feelings all their lives.

The American Psychological Association has concluded that abortion rarely causes any long-lasting or severe psychological after-effects. Many negative feelings are related to the unwanted pregnancy, not the abortion, which usually brings feelings of relief. Psychological problems such as post-partum depression are more common in new mothers.

There is no abortion law in Canada. Women are having abortions right up until the ninth month of pregnancy.

No doctors in Canada perform abortions past 20 weeks, except for compelling health or genetic reasons. It is an insult to women to imply that they are casually aborting their 9-month old fetuses.

The baby is capable of feeling intense pain when it is killed in abortion.

The brain structures and nerve-cell connections that characterize the thinking and feeling parts of the brain are not completed until between the 7th and 8th months of gestation. Only after 30 weeks do the brain waves show patterns of waking consciousness when pain can be perceived.

Since abortions are elective procedures, they should not be paid for out of provincial health insurance plans.

Abortion is a necessary medical procedure, and one that cannot wait, unlike elective surgery. Lack of funding causes delays and increases health risks. When abortions are not covered by medical insurance, poor women can't afford them. This means one law for the rich, another for the poor. It costs taxpayers far more to pay for the pregnancy and birth of an unwanted child.

Abortion is mass murder---genocide---another Nazi holocaust. Six million abortions are the same as six million Jews; a life is a life.

Hitler used racial grounds to exterminate Jews and other "undesirables." In the reproductive rights movement, no one is out to kill all embryos. It is an insult to the memory of human beings murdered by the Nazis to equate them with embryos for anti-abortion propaganda. The anti-choice don't really believe their own propaganda---some former abortion doctors, such as Dr. Bernard Nathanson, are heroes to the anti-choice movement, despite the fact that they are guilty of "genocide" according to the movement's own definition.

The "abortion mentality" leads to infanticide, euthanasia, and killing of mentally disabled and elderly persons.

This "slippery slope" argument has no merit. In countries where abortion has been legal for years, there is no evidence that respect for life has diminished or that legal abortion leads to killing of any persons. Infanticide, whoever, is prevalent in countries where the overburdened poor cannot control their childbearing and abortion is illegal.

If abortion were made illegal again, women would not return to coat-hanger abortions or back-alley butchers. Safe, modern technology will be available to non-physicians, and it would be relatively easy to get an abortion.

If abortion were illegal, well-intentioned but unskilled practitioners would perforate uteruses, misjudge the length of gestation, do incomplete abortions, and otherwise botch the procedure. Women's health would suffer and the death rate soar. Further, women would once more be forced to break the law to receive necessary medical care, and their dignity would be lost in the process. Also, this argument, by admitting that abortions would continue under anti-abortion laws, exposes the real goal behind recriminalizing abortion---to punish women.

Now you decide..

Here is a conversation.. decide whose side to take, and learn from it.

:Tal_18: everyone has their own opinions on everything!
:Dream_Weaver: Tal, should opinions shape our government?
:angaorgy:just let people do what they want. its the own
persons choice. not anyone elses. its their business, not
anyone elses
:LiMpGuRL68: because just because u forgot to wear a condom
ur gonna kill something that is beautiful,something that
makes our future brighter
:hot_chik:So limp, imagine ur 15 and get pregnant because the
condom broke? a child would ruin ur intire life and goals.
what would u do?
:Dream_Weaver: ah, so you are saying the government
shouldn't control ones body?
:fireman_lover: Condoms break
:angaorgy: plus if the moms a crackhead that cant support a
baby then the baby will live a terrible life. it doesnt deserve
:Dream_Weaver: Birth Control pills dont always work
:Tal_18: no, because their are to many different opinions for it to
shape the government, our society is fine the way it is so far
:LiMpGuRL68: then the babay should be given up for adoption!!
:angaorgy: no the government should not be the one who is in
control in that kind of situation
:MadeUpDream: it's not even a child till the third trimester =d
:Dream_Weaver: angaorgy, some people feel that is child
abuse, forcing an unwanted child to be born to punish the
:Dream_Weaver: Limp, do you feel the mother should go
through the physical, financial, and emotional pain just to
bring an unwanted person into the world?
:hot_chik: but even being pregnant, u'd have to drop out of
school because u wouldn't be able to keep up
:Dream_Weaver: MUD, umm... actually......
:angaorgy>:well adoption isnt always something that people do.
plus how would you like to grow up and find out that your
mom gave you up because she couldnt keep you
:jh1w2>:Abortion is good
:Dream_Weaver: A person is defined as a human being that is
physically dependent
:angaorgy: and not knowing who your own mother is could make
you emotionaly go nuts
:fireman_lover: it is GREAT
:angaorgy: its not good, but in some cases it is needed
:Tal_18: A fetus is not a human being until two monthes!
:fireman_lover: PRO CHOICE ALL THE WAY
:angaorgy: go fireman lover!!
:Day_Glow: hehee
:fireman_lover: it isnt human til it BREATHES its own AIR
:lwar_18: Pro choice for sure!!!
:Day_Glow: we all could agrue this all night
:jh1w2: It helps with the overpopulating that is occuring in the
human race in this World
:MadeUpDream: it can be interpreted in any way...
:Tal_18: I like debates!
:hot_chik: plus theres the possibility that the child would not get
adopted and would spend their child hood years in an
orphanage. nothing to call there own, no one to call there
:Dream_Weaver: fireman, actually a human simply needs it's
own set of unique DNA (different from it's mother) to be

Well.. I don't know.. I still need to decide...

Check out this site, it will give you both sides of Pro-Choice and Pro-Distortion (people against abortion)
Abortion Answers by Elroy

Bibliography: The Pro Choice Connection