Dolphin Information
Dolphin Information

What are dolphins? Dolphins are ceteceans, aquatic mammals. They're mammals because they bear live young, depend on milk when they are young, are warm-blooded, and have hair. At least a little bristlyness on their snouts.
Dolphins are delicate creatures that have a long history. They can live almost everywhere on earth except the polar regions. They have great adaptability for climate changes. The scientific name for the bottle-nosed dolphin is Tursiops-Truncatus. It is latin and I have no idea what it means (hey, who says an idiot can't make a webpage??).
The darwinian theory supports that dolphins (and other ceteceans) lived on land at one time, then evolved to ocean-living mammals. Evidence is long finger bones remaining embedded in their flippers. Also hip bones. Today a dolphins main enemy is humans and their modern contraptions, and killer whales. Even more so now that killer whales have less food they have to look for different food sources.
Today dolphins seem to get along with humans in captivity, and even bear young in captivity. However, it is proven that they don't live as long in captivity. Dolphins are known for their sleek, streamlined bodies, grey color, and squeaky-bird like voice. And no, I am not talking about a model over 50, I'm talking about dolphins (in case you haven't noticed yet).
Dolphins are angels of the sea, poetry is in their blood naturaly, unlike any other animal. They sing in a huge orchestra with their relitives. Yet, they live in a world of danger. Sharks, killer whales, and mostly humans are there main preditor. Dolphins eat small fish, and sometimes squid. Dolphins have been recorded to jump up to 25 feet in the air!
Dolphins have one blowhole, that allows air in and out at up to a whopping 100 mph. Bottle-nosed dolphins are mostly olive-grey, lighter on the bottom. They are about 10 feet long average, with eyes the color of the sea and personalities of a dog. Dolphins use echolocation to locate their prey, and preditors. Their echo-locates come from their foreheads, and is received from their bottom jaw.
Sometimes, when dolphins fish-slap (or fish-whack) fishes, they land on the shore. Dolphins temporairily beach themselves by wiggiling onto shore to get their food. Dolphins also use annoying, high-pitched squeaks to stun their prey. That is also an easy way to get food. (There is a picture of a dolphin hunting for a fish that excaped by digging its way through the sandy sea floor next to this text.) Bottle-nosed dolphins travel in pods up up to 2,500 with common dolphins, and other dolphin species. Dolphins are also known greatly for saving peoples lives, and has been proven that they will on any occasion possible.
The most common reason dolphins die is because of tuna and other fish nets. The also die of pollution, and killer whales (like I said above). Also, many dolphins die of prepellors from boats and ships. Female bottle-nosed dolphins live longer than males, some over 50 years! The adult length of males is 104 inches, females 99 inches. *In Britan and Europe, about 57 inches longer in males, and 29 inches longer in females (adult)*. Newborn calves are about 46-55 inches. Adult bottle-nosed dolphins weigh 400 to (almost) 600 pounds. (facts from florida, not including the part with *'s around it)
A not-so-popular show called "Flipper" came out a while ago, with a dolphin that was usualy in every show. For sooooome reason, it is not on the air any more. Well, I don't know what else to put in about dolphins right now, but, of corse, you can always e-mail me. The e-mail address on the bottom of the page I will check about every day. If you have any poetry for me to put in, comments, questions, or anythings, then e-mail me.


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