"how is it that they can even have the audacity"

From: Ben Grimm 
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 9:28 AM
To: frbloom@holyfamilyparish.net
Subject: Would Like Your Honest Opinion

How is it that some of the very men (hiearchy)that
have covered up the crimes of known child abusers and
moved put them in other parishes where they continued
to commit these crimes, how is it that they can even
have the audacity or the right to express their
on "zero-tolerance"  in the upcoming Bishops
conference.  These men lied and till this day some
have continued to lie until their backs were against
the wall i.e., Mahony, Law etc..  

I don't ask this as a means for debate but I'm
wondering where you stand on this.  It's been said
over and over that the abusive priests (that were
caught) represent a "small" percentage of the 40,000+
in the US.  But, the % of the hierarchy that have had
knowledge of this is well over 50%.  Why is it then
that these men get a free ride and are able to hold on
to their position of authority.  As a catholic I find
this most disturbing and immoral and fail to see
Christ in any of it except the fact that they have
finally been exposed.  Thank God for that.



Dear Ben,

I see your point. Especially in regard to notorious cases like Geoghan and Shanley. From what I understand, the former abused numerous pre-adolescent children, it was known and he was re-assigned. This happened right into the early 90's when any bishop should have known better. I heard that Cardinal Law tried to defend himself by saying medical professionals gave a go-ahead. I have not studied it enough to know whether that was the case. The Shanley case is even worse because he was quite public about his advocacy of man-boy sex. Since the late 60's, bishops have tolerated open dissent to teachings on sexual morality, but it seems incredible that any bishop would be so lenient. And of course the results were disastrous. I would like to see Cardinal Law and other bishops on their knees begging forgiveness of God - and of all the people harmed by their weak governance of the church. And many of us priests should follow that example.

Having said that, I fear "zero tolerance" will make scapegoats of a few priests and bishops - and not address the basic issue. The best short article I have seen is The Real Issue Is Fidelity by Fr. Richard John Neuhaus (USA Today op-ed). Let me know what you think?

Prayer, Ben. Say a prayer for this sinner. When I get to the judgment, I am going to ask for mercy, not zero-tolerance. How about you?

God bless,

Fr. Phil Bloom

See also: Fr. Neuhaus on Gay Priests...

Letter from Former Catholic on Boston Priest Pedophilia Scandal

Homily on Boston Scandal

Letter concerning Pedophilia.

Another Letter

Review of Pedophiles and Priests

More Questions regarding Catholic Teaching

Germaine Greer on Birth Control

the modern world (even while mocking sexual innocence) has flung itself into a generous idolatry of sexual innocence--the great modern worship of children. For any man who loves children will agree that their peculiar beauty is hurt by a hint of physical sex. (from Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton)
