Anglican Female Priests & God's Call

Subject: Women Priests

Dear Friend in Christ,

What you have not considered is that God might actually call women to be priests. I would suggest that you talk to a few Anglican female priests to get a sense of that call. Not every truth of God has been written down, although we do expect to know more when we see him face to face. I expect we will all be surprised. Certainly God will not be controlled or limited by our limited perspective. Incidentally, C. S. Lewis was known to grow and change over his lifetime. I expect he would have continued to do so, had he continued to live on in this world.

As for me, I am so glad to be an Anglican.

The Rev. Hollis E. Wright


Dear Rev. Wright,

Having been unsuccessful getting my own life under control, I would be most foolhardy to imagine I could in some way control or limit God. However on this question which has such enormous implication, I cannot believe God has left us "orphans," that he would make it a matter of individual interpretation. If that were the case, it would only take one woman to say she had received the "call" to change the whole two thousand year tradition.

Perhaps as an Anglican you have a deeper insight into C.S. Lewis than I. However, I do not see the evidence he would have retracted what he wrote in "Priestesses in the Church?" It seems to me that right to the end he was pointing out how feminism has a dark side which would make men more irresponsible and bring a new bleakness into women's lives.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Phil Bloom

Women and the Priesthood: What Early Christian Writers Say

From Karen: An argument for women priests and an American Catholic Church

Letter from Anglican Catholic Priest
