"Swimming Against the Tide"

Dear Fr. Bloom;

I thank you for your fine writings and research into some very difficult topics. I have only recently discovered yours, Fr. Richard McBrien's and the late Fr. Mateo's writings on the web. They are Christian apologetics at its best! Your honesty, clarity and consistency are vitally refreshing in a world that depends on a bodyguard of lies to maintain its grip on the minds of men.

I won't burden you with my own life story, but I am an Anglican Catholic priest and often feel the strain of swimming against the tide in the fractured Anglican communion. The Anglican Catholic Church is not in communion with Canterbury or the Episcopal Church USA. As you would know better than others it is illogical and inconsistent to pretend to be in communion with bishops who at best can be called heretics and at worst apostates. Your writings are a great help to me in maintaining the orthodoxy of my parishioners and answering the criticisms and questions of those outside of the Church.

God bless you!

(The Rev.)John Roddy+


Dear John,

Great to hear from you. Appreciate the kind words. You are in my prayers. We are weak instruments at best.

I assume the Fr. McBrien you refer to is Richard P. McBrien, O.Carm. (not the Notre Dame professor).

God bless,

Fr. Phil Bloom

Letter from other Anglican Priest

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