Announcements (February 20, 2005)
1. Today’s two-bit collection is for St. Vincent de Paul. Your donations will help assist the needy in our own parish neighborhood. We receive many calls for help. Your generosity is appreciated. That you for your contributions last weekend for Black and Indian Missions. The amount donated is found in the Stewardship corner of the bulletin.
2. This Friday and the following four Friday evenings we will have Soup Supper our parish hall beginning at 6 p.m. followed by Stations of the Cross at 7 in the church.
3. There will be a special Welcome Home class for Catholic returning to their faith beginning on February 28. Please take one of the cards in the pew and offer it to a family member or friend who might be interested in returning to the practice of their faith.
4. In the bulletin you will find information about an important matter – a bill before the state legislature to legalize human cloning. It is sometimes falsely called the “anti-cloning bill” because it prohibits bringing a cloned child to birth, but it will legalize the cloning of humans for experimental purposes. This is sometimes referred to as “clone and kill.” Please study this important issue, pray about it and contact your representative to voice your concern. This Wednesday evening Wesley J. Smith will give a lecture on this topic at Emeralds Height Academy. On Good Friday there will be a special three hour service focusing on the protection of the dignity of each human life.
5. Thank you to all who made their pledge for our Capital Campaign. 215 households have made pledges which bring us to about 50% of our goal. Please turn in your pledge soon if you have not yet done so. We are now in the Home Visitation of our Campaign.
6. Scrip is for sale in the vestibule after Mass. Next Sunday we will have a coffee hour after the 8 a.m. Mass with muffins, bread, donuts and fruit (for dieters). Please plan on attending.