Announcements (July 1, 2001)
1. Our two-bit collection this Sunday is for our victims of the June 23 earthquake in Peru. Your contributions will go to help villagers in a mountain area hard hit by the earthquake. The immediate needs are for food and blankets. $5 will provide food for a family for a day. $10 will purchase one blanket. The long range needs are to rebuild homes. $100 will provide building materials (wood, nails & tin for roofs - the sides are of adobe blocks) for a small home.
2. Thank you for your contributions to last week's second Peter's Pence. A total of $3,182 were donated to assist the charitable and apostolic work of our Holy Father.
3. Thank you for your stewardship to Holy Family parish. June 30 marked the end of fiscal year 2000-2001. A total of $586,771 were given in the first collections of our weekend Masses. This is only four thousand dollars short of our goal. We appreciate the support of each person and ask you to continue that support during the coming fiscal year. We depends on your contributions in the first collection to maintain our buildings and programs.
4. This Wednesday, July 4, there will be a Mass at 8:30 a.m. to pray for the needs of our nation. After Mass there will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until the 6 p.m. English Mass, followed by benediction and transfer of the Blessed Sacrament to the Ailbe House chapel for Perpetual for 24 hour a day adoration.
5. This Thursday is first Thurday of July. Fr. Velasco and Fr. Bloom will be available for confessions from 4 to 8 p.m.
6. Bumper stickers for Sacred Heart Radio are available at the entrances of the church. Please pick up one and put it on your car to advertise Seattle's Catholic radio station.
7. You are invited to the celebration of Vespers, Benediction and Procession with Blessed Sacrament every Sunday afternoon at 4:30 p.m.
8. Mass is celebrated every Saturday morning at 8 a.m.
9. Next Sunday Darcy Hemstad, R.N., will be available in the Ailbe House at 1:45 p.m. to give a presentation on the Billings Method of Natural Family Planning and to help review individual charts. Married couples and young adults are welcome.
10. Two weeks from this Sunday seminarian Armando Perez will be ordained as a transitional deacon of the Archdiocese of Seattle. The ordination will take place at a 10 a.m. bilingual Mass presided by Archbishop Brunett. Please see the letter from Armando in this Sunday's bulletin inviting you to attend that celebration. You are likewise invited to attend the reception following Armando's ordination. On that Sunday, July 15, there will be no 9:30 or 11 a.m. Mass. There will be an English Mass at 8 a.m. and Spanish Mass at 1:30 p.m.
11. There is a Bible Study for high school students and young adults on Sunday evenings, 7 p.m. in the Ailbe House. For adults there will be a course on Scripture, Church documents and Christian writers. This course, for adults who wish to explore more deeply their faith, will begin this Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Ailbe House library. More details & phone numbers in bulletin.
12. Scrip is for sale after Mass. Scrip can be ordered for use at various stores in our area.