Announcements (September 9, 2001)

1. Our two-bit collection this Sunday is for Build Hope. This collection supports Catholic Communications and the Campaign for Human Development. You may use the Build Hope envelopes to make your contributions.

2. Thank you for your contributions last weekend for the School Renovation Project. $830 were donated. With the new canopy, our porch is complete, but we must now address the need for an elevator and for the inner seismic repairs. Your ongoing support is vital.

3. Regarding our first collection for the ongoing support of the parish, we are down slightly as we come to the end of the summer. If you have been away, please consider an increased donation as we enter the new school year. Holy Family Parish depends on your Sacrificial Giving to maintain our parish buildings and programs.

4. We are forming a Junior High Youth Group. The introductory meeting will take place this Tuesday, 7 p.m. in the Ailbe House library.

5. You are invited to the celebration of Vespers, Benediction and Procession with Blessed Sacrament every Sunday afternoon at 4:30 p.m.

6. Please mark your calendar for our parish Italian dinner on October 6. There will be two seatings: 6 - 7:30 p.m. and 8 to 9 p.m. Please see the bulletin for more details.

7. Our R.C.I.A. - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - is underway, each Thursday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. If you know someone interested in becoming Catholic, please invite them. If you are interested in deeping your understanding of the faith, please come to this series of classes on the basics of our Catholic faith.

8. Adoration of Jesus, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, takes places in the Ailbe House Chapel every day, twenty fours hours a day, except Wednesdays, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. when we have exposition in our main church. Please set aside an hour each week to spend in prayer before our Eucharistic Lord.

9. REligious Education and Sacramental formation for First Communion begins Oct 7. More information in the bulletin. Please call Sr. Mary Clare, 767-6220 to register your child.

10. Flower Offering Envelopes are in the pews. You may use them to make an offering in memory of a loved one. Donations will be used to purchase flowers which adorn the altar.

11. Office Depot has a program where school supplies purchased there generate a credit of 5% for ones school. This program lasts until September 30. If you buy your child's school supplies at Office Depot, be sure to identify your school. If your child attends Holy Family, be sure to specify Holy Family Seattle since there is also Holy Family School in Kirkland and Auburn.

12. (Sunday Morning Masses) Scrip is for sale after Mass. Scrip is just like a gift certificate. The recepient can buy what they want and will be pleased to help out Holy Family at the same time. Please see the Scrip Tips in the bulletin for how it may be used to purchase sporting goods.