Bulletin (January 23, 2005)

Archbishop Brunett honored Holy Family Parish by celebrating a “kick-off Mass” for our Capital Campaign. I was most pleased with the attendance at the 11 a.m. Mass, and the Archbishop commented on the numbers present, as well as the beautiful music – both in English and Spanish. Besides those languages we had prayers of the faithful in Filipino and Vietnamese. After the Mass we had a surprise birthday party for the Archbishop followed by a tour of the ground level of the school. Parish administrator, Tom Weber, and Dominic Parmantier, who is a member of our Building Commission, explained to the Archbishop the renovations we will be making in the lower floor of the school. In the picture, taken by Adam Fox, are (left to right): Tom Weber, Dominic Parmantier, Archbishop Brunett, Fr. Bloom, Dan O’Connor, from Guidance in Giving, and Deacon Abel Magaña.

Also, last Sunday, Brother Simon Thibodeau was visiting us. After the Masses he sold the delicious fudge that the Brigittine Monks make. The picture below shows him with two teenagers of our parish who are selling coffee to be able to attend this summer’s World Youth Day in Cologne. Brother Simon received a total of $574 which will go toward our parish Campaign. We still have a few boxes of fudge in the parish office (rectory) and in the Capital Campaign office (Ailbe House). It makes a wonderful Valentine’s Day present – and the purchase will help us move toward our goal.

As of Wednesday we have received 44 pledges totaling $347,591. Also, last Sunday, 38 people volunteered to help with home visitation during the last two weeks of February and the first week of March. If you haven’t yet attended a reception, plan on coming this Tuesday or Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in our Parish Hall. These are the final English language receptions before those after Mass on the weekend of January 29-30. On Thursday evening of this week, we will have our Vietnamese reception.

On Wednesday Fr. Ramon and I, along with a number of Holy Family parishioners, attended the annual March for Life in Olympia. It was the biggest crowd I had seen assembled on the Capitol steps. There was a lot of encouraging news, including the fact that pro-life Democrats in our state legislature have tripled in the past years: from one to three. They are forming a Washington state chapter of Democrats for Life. All of us, whether Democrats, Republicans, Independents or some other party must be involved in these crucial issues. For some pictures and a reflection on the March for Life, see: http://toddaylard.blogspot.com/2005/01/hope-for-unborn.html

Finally, some calendar notes: January 31 thru February 5 is Catholic Schools’ Week. We will begin with an assembly on Monday morning honoring a distinguished graduate and conclude on Saturday evening with a presentation at the 5 p.m. Mass followed by a social evening of Bingo in the parish hall in order to raise funds for school needs. On February 18 and 19, Fr. John Corapi will give a powerful Lenten retreat. It begins on Friday evening and continues through the 5 p.m. Mass. Please plan on attending. We are asking a donation of $30 from participants, but be assured that no parishioner will be turned away. Registration forms are at the entrances of the church and in our parish office.

El arzobispo Alejandro Brunett nos honró con su presencia el domingo pasado, celebrando una misa para dar inicio a la Campaña Capital. Hubo una buena participación con lecturas y cantos en español e inglés. Además hubo oraciones de los fieles en vietnamita y filipino. Después de la misa tuvimos una fiesta de sorpresa para el cumpleaños 71 del arzobispo. En la foto se ve al arzobispo, su servidor, Dan O’Connor de Guidance in Giving y el Diacono Abel Magaña. Parados son los miembros de la familia Bansale.

Quisiera agradecer a todas las personas que se han inscrito para Visitaciones de Hogares. Estas visitas comenzarán después del Domingo de Compromiso (13 de febrero) y durarán hasta la primera semana de marzo. Todos los voluntarios recibirán entrenamiento. Si quiere mayor información, favor de llamar a Mónica en la oficina parroquial, 206-767-6220.

Después de las misas, el hermano Simón Thibodeau ha vendido “funge” para ayudar a la Campaña Capital. Todavía hay unas cajas de este rico chocolate en la rectoría por solamente $9 por libra. Es un lindo regalo para el Día de San Valentín.

Quisiera agradecer a todos los que han asistido a recepciones de la Campaña. Habrá recepciones después de todas las misas el próximo fin de semana (29-30 de enero). Vamos a visitar los hogares de todos los que no asisten a las recepciones. Como les expliqué, es esencial que contactamos a toda familia, sabiendo de su situación y dando la oportunidad de participar en la misión de nuestra parroquia.