Deacon Armando Perez, Archbishop Alexander Brunett, Fr. Phil Bloom
Fr. Joe Tyson, Deacon Armando, Archbishop Brunett, Fr. Bloom
Deacon David Mulholland, Deacon Armando, Archbishop Brunett, Deacon Ted Wiese
Imposition of Hands
Imposition of Hands: Archbishop Brunett, Fr. Tyson, David Young (ordained deacon, July 29)
Deacon Armando Distributing Communion, Precious Blood of Christ
Deacon Armando & Archbishop Brunett
Deacon Armando & Archbishop Brunett in front of Holy Family Church
Reception at Holy Family School: Fr. Joe Tyson making taco, Fr. Clay Meyer Observing
Deacon Armando, Archbishop Brunett, Fr. Bloom, Abel Magaña standing, Mariachi Band on Stage
Fotos courtesy of Marry-Natty
Are You Being Called to the Priesthood?
Pictures of Ordination to Priesthood of Frs. Derek Lappe & Jim Johnson
Pictures of First Mass (June 9, 2002, Holy Family)