Cardinal Mahoney Prays for Unborn

(Democratic Convention, Los Angeles)

LOS ANGELES, AUGUST 16 ( Reversing the precedent set by the late Cardinals Joseph Bernardin and John O'Connor, Cardinal Roger Mahoney of Los Angeles accepted the invitation to lead the invocation to open the Democratic National Convention. While he told reporters beforehand that he wanted to pray for the unity of the nation, not enter into an argument about abortion.

However, the Cardinal, who is known for his stand on abortion, could not resist the opportunity to pray for a change of heart when he led the prayer on Monday. "We have been called to choose life and protect the least of these," Mahoney prayed. "Keep us ever committed to protect the life and well-being of all people, but especially unborn children."

Several Democratic delegates criticized the Cardinal's prayer. "Abortion is one of the defining issues between Democrats and Republicans," delegate Ann Gaither said. "I think it was very unfortunate that he chose those words." Meanwhile, some pro-lifers criticized his decision to address the convention in the first place. ZE00081621


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