encouraging email

From: Mark Brumley 
To: frbloom@holyfamilyparish.net
Good work on the Hawking-John Paul II quote issue. I, too, have seen the Hawking quote used to attack Catholicism or religion in general, but no one as yet has been able to show that the pope said what Hawking seems to think he said. Perhaps we can dismiss this mistake as the problem that often emerges when a specialist in one field assumes he can, without any special background, understand the nuances of views held by specialists in other fields. Or perhaps Hawking was, as you suggest, caught up in a daydream of himself as Galileo. If either of these is not the explanation for Hawking's error, then I fear we must seriously consider how reliable Hawking is in his own field. If he can get something such as the pope's talk so wrong, maybe he has misunderstood a lot of other things as well.


Father Bloom:

I want to thank you for your site. I was googling at random the other night and told my wife that Google could find my own page. I searched for "John Jensen" and "Catholic" and it did. It also found the claim from another John Jensen that the Church had to disavow reincarnation at the Fifth Oecumenical Council.

I appreciated your site very much. My wife and I are both converts. My wife is from Seattle, and our own conversion was through Mark Shea and Sherry Weddell of Blessed Sacrament parish. So we are sort of connected with Seattle :-)


John Thayer Jensen, System Administrator
Computing Services Unit, School of Business
University of Auckland


Dear Father:

Thank you for going out into the universe with the light of our Faith. I was loking for m"hooks" for my homily of tomorrow and your words took me to the place the HS wanted me to be./This is the Communion of Saints at its best. /I am a newcomer to the ministry.Only 5 years ordained as a Permanent Deacon after 30 years of practicing Family Psychiatry./I work now in Pastoral Psychiatry/Do you know other specimens of this rare amphibian tribe?- I will keep you in prayer.Please call if you come this way.

St paul's Catholic Church, Richmond Va

Deacon Patricio Torres-Lisboa, M.D.


Father Bloom,

I was surfing the Internet and stumbled across your site. This is very well done! Way to present the truth straight forward as Holy Mother Church teaches it. I am always amazed, at what a small world our beautiful Church is. My name is Casey Jones, I am a seminarian fro the diocese of Helena Montana, I attend a college seminary (pre-seminary) program at Carroll College here in Helena, this is my last year of philosophy then I am of to wherever the bishop decides to send me.

As I browsed your site it was exciting to see ordination photos and see my own bishop, George Thomas, as well as of course Abp. Brunnet, a former bishop pf the Helena Diocese. Then all the more exciting was to see a picture of Fr. Derek Lappee, who's brother Justin, graduated from the same college I attend last year. So, it really is a small world, and our Church is beautiful and the faithful are connected in such mysterious ways. Just thought I would share.

In Jesus Christ,



Fr Bloom,

I really want to thank you for your articles on overpopulation. Although, I haven't read them all (meaning all the ones connected to the first), your information is just the jump start I need. I recently got into a discussion with another Catholic friend from college, who I think has just accepted nonsense told to her by someone in her life or by the media, over whether we were heading toward stripping the land due to overpopulation. Although, I'm not going to stop at one source, but the information you've supplied is exactly what I've been trying to find to support my case. Thank you and may God bless you and your Parish.


"If men got pregnant.....I say, "Abortion would be illegal to the nth degree, because men they would say, 'Hey, look what I can do, I can have babies. Is this cool or what? I can do everything else I do and I could have babies.'" Helen Alvare (on an episode of Life on the Rock)


Greetings from Tasmania.

I've enjoyed your site very much. Keep up the excellent work.

Tho not a Catholic, I am ever warming to the idea, and am thinking of having the local priest over for a long chat (along with a meal, some decent red wine and a cigar or two.) This particular priest is called Chris Hope, by the way. Can you think of a better name?

Kind regards.

Allan Smith


Subject: Greetings From Argentina

Merry Christmas!!!

I'm a dominican priest from the argentinian Province, I live in Córdoba. I want to thank you for your homilies, I often read them and I can normally get out ideas to enrich my preaching. I encourage you to continue, lots of lay people are helped by your cyberntic preaching. Thank You for your service,

God bless you!!!

Fray José María, O.P.


Fr. Phil,

Just a quick note to thank you for your homilies on the web. I've been reading them for years (on homilies.net) as I prepare for my Sunday sermons in Spanish. And today, I got a big kick out of your X-files, "The Truth is out there" line. I've been using that for years with the teens and intend to use it in this weekend's sermon.

Keep up the good work and may God bless you and your parish,

Fr. Paul D. Williams, Jr.

Pastor, OLPH, Carrollton, GA

P.S. If you're bored, here's my own homepage and some homilies: http://pages.prodigy.net/frpaul/


Dear Fr. Bloom,

I just wanted to let you know that your site is absolutely wonderful. It's thought-provoking, gentle and eloquent. Reading some parts of it, I had tears in my eyes. I, myself, am not Catholic, but I don't doubt that one day I will convert. Everything in its time, no? Thank you for putting your words online so that others may enjoy them.




Dear Father Phil

You tell Peter Parker that he is a bit of a bully. I have named him the babbling bully because he babbles out Scripture like there is no tomorrow. They tell me that lapsed Catholics are the most dangerous of our opponents. I like your invitation to him to find a sinless Church.

There is one point that you could have missed among the babbling and it concerned his comments about inspiration. He asks you to prove to him that the authors of the Scriptures were inspired and insists that you prove it from Scripture. He then lets the cat out of the bag by supplying that Scriptural proof.

He then tells us that the Church teaches that Tradition is inspired and he caps this by declaring that we claim that the Scriptures and Tradition are equal whereas the fact is that we claim that the Scriptures and Tradition are complementary.

Ron Ross


Dear Fr. Bloom,

My name is Alex Hoff and I am currently a 3rd year theater major at the University of California Los Angeles. I would just like to say that I found your site while researching abortion and I ended up reading about 5 of your homilies and papers and such. I would read more right now but I have to go to class.

I am very serious about my Catholic faith and I found your writings very informative, sincere, well-based and most importantly, written with genuine love. Thank you for doing what you do, I know God is reaching many people through you. I, for one, understand some things much more clearly, which will definitely help in me personally as well as in my apostolate. I have no doubt in my mind that we can change our corrupted society with the overwhelming power of God's love.


Alex Hoff


From: Paul R. Allen 
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 8:25 PM
To: frbloom@holyfamilyparish.net
Subject: Thanks

I am a recently returned Catholic and am absorbing and relearning whatever I can about the Church. Thanks for your articles. I especially enjoyed the article Confession of Sins. Please continue your important work. I will say a prayer for you.

Paul Allen


Father Bloom,

Just read some of your e-mail exchanges, and just wanted to tell you how grateful I am as a Catholic that we have fine priests such as yourself representing us so well. Especially in these difficult times and what seems to be at times a media onslaught I wanted you to know how much your work is appreciated. Obviously I don’t know you personally, but via the internet I have seen some of your writings and efforts. We also really appreciate our local priest here at out parish and my heart goes out to all our priests who dedicate their lives every day to the Church and bringing people to Christ.

God bless you!

George Munkachy


Hi Father,

I'm a Catholic in Virginia. I have been reading a number of the questions and answers that you posted on your site. I enjoyed your posts and just wanted to say, "Keep up the good work." I'm glad you're making a difference in cyber-space.

If I have any questions, I might be tempted to send them to you.

God bless,




Dear Father,

Your website is AWESOME!! I almost died laughing over your generic homily.

Just a quick comment regarding your review of the Everlasting Man: you said that if you were marooned on a desert island and could take only one book (besides the Bible), you would choose "The Everlasting Man", by Chesterton. I believe it was Chesterton who, when asked what book HE would bring, replied, "A book on boat-building". :D

God bless you!!

In Him,

Anne Funk

"The point of having an open mind, like having an open mouth, is to close it on something solid." ~ G.K. Chesterton

"Don't mess with my mama- her Son is your God!"


Dear Father Bloom,

How wonderful it is to know that there is a priest whom one can trust to give information faithful to the magisterium.

One of the more serious things I notice these days is the number of people who cash a Church paycheque and then feel free to deride and criticise the hierarchy and magisterium in public.

God Bless fr,


hi my name is Stacey. I just finished reading your webpage about simple catholicism and about the carl sagan question of life after death. i wanted to thank you for your sharing of wisdom. i have been curious about the Catholic Church for the past few months and found great discernment and clarification in your website. thank you again and may God continue to bless you.

:)Stacey Lang, South Carolina


Father --

I just ran across your web site during an unrelated web search, and was very impressed. I read through many of your homilies, and several of them struck a chord with me.

Just wanted to commend you on an excellent site... we can't have too many of them around!

Steve Johnson


Thank you so much for your web site,I'am a member of Our Lady of the lake here in Lake Oswego,Or, I have Epilepsy so it hard to get to mass, but it a blessing to read your Homily, may god bless you ...... Reggie Barnes


Dear Fr. Phil,

I just finished reading your essay entitled, The Crime of Slander. which I found linked to your homily for 1 SEP. Just one word: Brilliant!! :-)

Colonel John Ciesla


Subject: Your 4th Sun of Lent Homily

I check out several homily services every week for ideas. You are the only homilist this week who has talked about the war in Iraq. I commend you for that, and I thank you for giving me a jump start on my homily for this Sunday.

Bless you!

Father Jerry Caponi
Diocese of Victoria in Texas


Father Bloom, I read you homily (Awkward Moments) for today and just want to let you know how much I appreciate your website and homilies. I read you Sunday homily each Sunday plus the announcements and bulletin. Although I am not a member of your parish, i feel like one of your parishioners. I especially appreaciate your loyalty and esteem for our Holy Father and your faithfulness to the magisterial teachings of the church. In a day when there is so much confusion about our faith especially the moral teachings, it is so good to see someone who stands on the rock of TRUTH. It is priests like you that we look to expecially those of us who live in more progressive parishes. Thank your so much for your faithfulness. Continue being who you are, a faithful priest. God bless you. Caroline Klaport


I found your Internet site while browsing - Google is my browser of choice - and it is a wonderful resource.

Thank you very much for doing it.

Duane V
Faithful Navigator
James Shields Assembly
Knights of Columbus


Fr. Bloom:

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your homily on the internet for the 24th Sunday in Ord Time Yr. A. My name is Thomas Hubbell and I am a member of St. Luke the Evangalist Catholic Church in Houston, Texas. I am part of the Children's Liturgy program here and take the children aside from the main Church to the social hall during the readings and help the kids understand the Sunday message. Your thoughts, and reprint, of your homily has been a big help for me this week.

Thank you and I have added your site to my favorites list for future reference.

Best regards,

Thomas Hubbell


Fr. Bloom,

I just wanted to thank you for your website/homepage/whateveryoucallit. It's an absolute gem.

Love in Christ,

David Pope


Dear Fr Bloom,

Your web-pages are all excellent, but I must confess that your Usual Homily had me laughing so loudly that one of my sons demanded to know what was so funny. As parodies go, it's one of the best: alas, like all really good parodies, one can't tell it from the real thing. Are you sure that you haven't flown over to Bournemouth (England) one Sunday, sneaked into the back of Corpus Christi Church and listened to the sermon of one of our priests? (Not, thank Heaven, all of them.) I squirm in agony throughout his non-stop criticisms of the Bad Old Days, his deprecation of his own priesthood, his scornful references to people who still do things like praying the Rosary, and his deconstructing of Scripture (you did miss out, BTW, the bit where the homilist says "Of course, we should realise that Jesus never said that - it was just attributed to him in the stories the early Christians told each other").

It's the more painful since I became a Catholic five years ago, having been born Jewish and converted to evangelicalism as a teenager: I saw that the Church had the fulness of truth - but it's so frustrating to leave sermons which really preached the Gospel, even if not the whole Gospel, to hear - in the True Church, already! - the sort of waffle you imitate so brilliantly.

God bless you and your work, both in your parish and your Internet parish!

Anyway, thank you again!

Sue Sims


I was checking my notes with homilies.net and wanted to compliment your homily for this Sunday. For 2 reasons. It matched my thoughts on a parable directing us to prayer, and, it's one of the best I've read in a while

God Bless you

Fr. Mike Mahoney


Father Bloom,

Thank you for keeping the Seapadre site up. Your answers to questions are straightforward, compassionate and faithful to the Church. I admire your responses to some really harsh criticisms . . . you make it clear that you love each and every one of God's children equally and set a fantastic example for the rest of us. May God continue to strengthen you in your much needed (and appreciated) work!

God bless you.

Marc B.

P.S. I don't think you'd get the show in Seattle, but check out this site if you get a chance (www.generationcross.com). I'm 28 and connected instantly to Lino Rulli and his humor back in 2000 when I began my journey home to the Church. I pray that this might interest others in your parish. Thanks, Carol. I appreciate your supportive words - and especially your prayers. You have mine. Fr. Bloom


Dear Father Bloom, I found your web site whilst looking for biblical quotes for graphic art for my church. I am a UCC Congregationalist. You have such a large web site answering many Catholic questions. Congratulations.

I was so offended by the hateful letter someone wrote to you - I did not see that the author identified himself (it sounds like a man). It is brave of you to put it on your site - actually it shows hate and prejudice well. (I think it might be a right wing member of my denomination).


God bless your work Father. One of the great spiritual leaders my Pastor quotes is the late Father Henri Nouwen of the Catholic faith.

This link below is the web site of the national level of the United Church of Christ. I am a graphic designer and think its modern look appeals to the young folks we hope to get interested in the Lord.

I hope you don't mind my sharing it with you. Go to its SONG link - good downloads - many you know.

> http://www.stillspeaking.com

In faith, Carol Taylor,

Christian Outreach / Mission

First Church of Christ Sandwich Cape Cod


Dear Fr. Bloom:

Thanks for the homily suggestion and your wonderful articulation of the problems in our society. I am an associate pastor in Rochester, New York... and I borrowed some of you verbiage to preach in Spanish at a church I assist at once a month. I look forward to reading your other homilies and talks.. I Hope you made it through the earthquake ok... Take care and let us pray for one another...

Your Brother In Christ,
Fr. Peter DeBellis


Fr. Phil,

I enjoy your web site a great deal. It is so refreshing to see a priest address the hard issues in such a head-on fashion. And you do it with such grace and humility. Most priests must find this so difficult and I do not condemn them. I find it difficult to do as a layman as well.

On Sundays when we have gotten a usual homily, or one lacking any real "meat and potatoes" I know I can go to your web site and receive some insight, a chuckle or two and always feel the tug of a challenge to do better.

God Bless you,

Mike and Denise Gates


Father Bloom,

Your article (They Confessed Their Sins) was refreshing, like a long awaited breeze on a day of stillness. Thank you for your words. I'm glad that your ministry extends to those of us in cyberspace. May you be encouraged in your outreach to the hurting.

Victoria Ray


Dear Padre:

I am the music coordinator of a Methodist Church in Upland California. I was asked by our Senior Pastor to present a homily for our April 7 Worship Service.

I came across your web site as I was searching for materials that would, hopefully aid me in my search for a better understanding of the nature, and purpose of homilies.

As I read your explanation of What is a Homily?, I was literally brought to my knees as the Holy Spirit spoke through your words to convict my heart. I had been like those followers of Jesus on the road to Emmaus, discouraged, with eyes downcast, unable to recognize the risen Christ. Simply put, I was called to repentance. My heart, eyes, and mind had become like the closed tomb.

I am still on the road to Emmaus. But my heart is now open in a way that it wasn't before. The Lord is dealing with me, working with me, as you so aptly said..."to get the message in our own hearts, then to figure out how to deliver it to people's hearts."

I ordered your recommended text, Homiletic Moves and Structures by David Buttrick. As you might well have guessed, I've chosen Luke 24:13-35 as the basis for my homily. Their journey is one that is very close to my heart.

Thank you, Father, for the inspiration you have given me. If you have some insight that you would like to impart on the scripture I have chosen, I would greatly appreciate your counsel.

Above all, Jesus Christ be Praised!

David Higgins


Hello Fr Phil,

Thank you for your wonderful site. I am priest of Chicago. Recently, I have been learning spanish, and now find myself as the pastor of a largley hispanic parish on the southside of Chicago. Thanks for the homily help especially. Please pray for me too. It is a challenge and a half, that I realize I will need more graces to accomplish things here, than I would have ever thought.

I would love to be good enough in spanish and have enought time, to contribute some sermons of my own someday.

Fr Tom Koys


Dear Tom,

Appreciate the encouraging words & prayers. You are in mine.

Keep working on the Spanish. I learned it by spending an hour or two studying in my room, then listening to cassettes in the car and of course being with the people. The work w/ Hispanics is so rewarding, as I am sure you already know plus they are such a huge part of our Church's future if we don't lose them all to the evangelicals - and secularism.

God bless,

Phil Bloom


THANK YOU for the wonderful web site. I have just discovered it, and can tell it is going to be a true source of inspiration. The articles/homilies on confession and women priests are going to really help me defend the Church's position in future debates. It is so gratifying to see Christ's message explained so well in this unbelieving age.

Pax vobiscum!

Mark Caraway
St. Richard Catholic Church
Jackson, Mississippi


Hi Fr. Bloom: I hope you enjoyed your trip. I was just on your web site and printed out your talk on contraception. In case you are interested, I just wrote an article on contraception for Domestic Church. You can find it at the following url: http://www.tcdsb.on.ca/external/schools/chaminade/oac-philosophy/public_html /contraception_domestic_church.htm



Hello Father, I read your homily about Palm Sunday on Homilies Net. and I really like it. I would like to include it and others, one a month on my website...I also like your website design. It is clean,crisp, and full of information. This sort of design attracts people

Peace of the Risen Lord

Richard Bedard


Fr. Bloom, I just wanted to thank you for allowing your homilies to be published on homilies.net. For about a year I have benefitted from them in my own preparation for the Sunday homily. I found your email address from your own website which looks to be a wonderful service for many catholics. I am also working on my own website for the Confirmation class that I teach here in Phoenix. www.frehrich.com

Thanks again and God bless,

Fr. John Ehrich
St. Thomas the Apostle Church
Phoenix, AZ





le escribo para decirle que me encanta su pagina del internet me ayuda mucho no le conozco yo vivo en ME muy lejos pero creo que un angel me envio a su pagina ya que estando tan lejos de mi pais esta es la manera de conocer mas a mi iglesia bueno su homilia acerca de las mujeres dejeme decirle es una de las mejores que he escuchado despues de la de jesus "Quien este limpio de pecado que tire la primera piedra" espero seguir teniendo contacto con usted. en mis oraciones que dios lo bendiga. N.Rosales


I found your website through a jumping around linking websites concerning Peter Kreeft. When I clicked and went to your website I started browsing around. Although I am not in the Roman Catholic Church I still appreciate what you are doing!!!!

Secondly I decided to send this email to you since I lived in Kirkland and Bellevue for six years...... (big grin) Actually I went to Northwest College (AOG) but right now I am in a non denominational small chinese church

My name is Jim.

I have lived over here for more than 12 years...... I also agree that a lot of fundamentalists and others need to have their glasses fixed when viewing the Roman Catholic church. thanks for taking the time to read this email. Keep up the great work!!!!


Hi Father,

I really enjoy your website. Thank you for taking the time from what must be a very busy schedule to make this available. I have to admit, when I read your "usual homily" I initially took it seriously because I could swear I've heard this earnestly preached on more than one occasion. Amazing, but true. :)

Happy New Year

A Western Washington Catholic


Dear Father;

I read your Homily for today and it was beautiful. I am Hispanic, and as you know, the majority of Hispanics are born Catholics, with a lot of respect for not only the church, our Holy Father in Rome,our Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God(Our Lady of Guadalupe),but also to our holy and devout Priests.

Father, many years ago, in 1944, after being stationed in the Aleution Islands in a patrol squadron while serving in the Navy in ww 11, we landed inSeatle. Several months later I received my discharged in Bremerton, Washington, and return to Houston where I presently live. Since you are a Pastor in Seatle, it reminded me of my past, which I am sure you have heard many times.

As Hispanic from the old days and a product of the old catholic schools, I am no different than other Hispanics from those days, and that is; that I have a large family, fourteen to be exact, seven boys and seven girls. Of course, they are all grown, the youngest being 29 and the eldest is 51, all living, all baptized Catholic. My wife(Avelina) and I, attend St. Ambrose parish here in Houston,Tx. And we go to Mass everyday and receive our Lord. We been happily married for 51 years. Our desire was that at least one of our children would be call to serve Christ, but for some reason God did not grant us our request. But we continue to pray for vocations.

I think this will be all Father, as I have to read the rest of your advise and information you post on your web page, it's very interesting.

God bless you and continue all the good work on the internet. I try to check everything written on our Catholic faith, so keep it coming!

Tony Suarez


Dear Fr. Phill,

i am a 14 year old boy from london - i recently read your article about about masturbation and felt compelled to write you an e-mail. i cannot thank you enough, your words have pointed my life in a new direction and i feel that i now have a stornger bond with God Thank you so much Father

God Bless



Dear Father Bloom

...New Year's day, she told me that a friend who was about to get married was planning to use NFP. At the time, I thought NFP was silly, but it made me think, and I came to embrace the Church's teaching with great joy. She is a member of the Focolare Movement (a Catholic movement that started in Italy in WWII, take a look at http://www.focolare.org/en/ ) And the "Liberal" in me died... I am now a PhD student (Biochemistry), and I spend about 5-6 months every year in the Netherlands doing experimental work.

I found your site last year, when looking for defenses of Pius XII's actions during WWII. And I found so much more than I could expect. I started reading your homilies, your answers, ... It was so refreshing. At last some real homilies, some real thinking, real teaching. Not the Pelagian, "I'm OK, you're OK", "the Church stiffles people's religious impulses" kind of stuff I'm forced to hear in the homilies around here...

I'm very thankful for everything you have done with your Web-site... For every thoughtful homily, every reasoned answer, everything. I wish I could thank you face to face. If I am a "simple catholic" now, it's largely because of you I know that the important thing is not the homily, or how nice, or good the priest is, or how beautiful the hymns and songs are. It's meeting him in the Eucharist...



Hello! Father.

My name is Angel(guy). I am 22 years old. I am from Mexico. Your website is excellent, congratulations! It seems that You help many people with their doubts, sins and many polemic topics in all the United States. I am happy because all that people is getting good advices, according to the Pope's beliefs, ideology. I consider myself a conservative catholic and follow the Pope's rules. I said this because, our church is going through a crisis, and it is very sad. But we know that our church was built on solid rock as Jesus told Peter and there is nothing to be afraid of.


Dear Father Bloom,

Just wanted to let you know that while browsing through the internet and trying to find some good stories for a Christmas homily I came across your web page and some of the responses you gave to may "inquiring minds." As a fellow priest I wish to thank you and to command you for a wonderful jog you did. Most especially I was impressed with you response to Peter...May God bless you during this Holy Season and throughout the New Year.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Matthew Mankowski


Dear Fr Phil

Greetings from Brisbane and best wishes for your birthday on Sunday week.

I looked at your homily for this coming Sunday on the theme of the narrow door and, as usual, received quite a lot of inspiration. I really must read C S Lewis' "Mere Christianity". Unfortunately, I have not read the other book you referred to, either - "Descent into Hell" by Charles Williams. Perhaps it's something along the lines of Shakespeare's "Macbeth"?

Anyway, I hope you have a great day with friends and family on the 2nd and thanks for your good work on the homilies.

Chris Cook


Dear Fr. Bloom:

This morning I was researching next week homilies (01-06-2002). I meet with a group of men at St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Miami-Dade County, Fla, every Wednesday and discuss them. When I went to homilies.net, I saw that you have not posted yours yet. However, I decided to click on http://www.oocities.org/seapadre_1999/ and to my surprise & enjoyment, I found a thought provoking & educational web site. Thanks!

Keep up the good/God work!

In Christ,

Osvaldo Robles


Father Bloom,

First, a late belated thank you for Father Corapi. You and your parish have provided a spiritual benefit to us. Did a tremendous job co=ordinating everything. Also a big thank you for today's homily on the corporal works of mercy. I, too, have had problems with it. You have brought a very challenging and realistic perspective to it. I found it extememly helpful. I read your homilies on a weekly basis and find your simple catechism very beneficial. I know that I am not the only one that benefits from your website.

Again, many thanks.

Caroline Klaport


Hi Father,

I came across your web site and have a comment about the Usual Homily you had posted there. After reading many of your writings which I thought were excellent I realized that your "Usual Homily" was a good example of the usual watered-down approach that is so common today (and has been for quite some years, as you probably know). Some who commented were obviously confused even though you presented it as "Usual Homily" - "and a little humor". Perhaps you could modify the note at the top that states "Here is a homily which you can give, or at least hear, on almost any occasion." by removing "which you can give". It would be good to hear from you.

Yours in Christ!

Greg Castano

Lancaster, PA


Dear Fr. Bloom,

Greetings from California. Hope this will reach you glad and well. Just happened to visit your website tonight while I was preparing for Liturgy. I am a Jesuit doing graduate studies at the University of San Francisco with a concentration on school administration and educational technology. Your website is interesting. I particularly like the insights you have and the wonderful pictures.



Thank you so much Father for having this web-site. I happen to be in a parish that no longer has a priest and it is a very strange feeling. It feels comforting to know a priest is out there at least on the computer. I just discovered your website by doing a search for information on the prophet Elijah for somone who was confused about reincarnation. Your answer was just what I needed. Thank you again for providing this website.

Cathy Shiraki


Dear Fr. Bloom,

I just found your website Simple Catholicism and found it very nice. I expecially liked your piece on Confession. It's a major stumbling block for me and one, with the Grace of God, I'll get over soon. Your eloquent speaking on the topic quells a lot of my fears!

I noticed that you are from Holy Family in Seattle. I am your neighbor to the south, in Tacoma. I used to live in Kirkland and attended Holy Family there! I'm currently at...

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your site. Bless you for your work.



Hello Father Phil,

I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy your web site especially your homilies. After going to Mass, I look forward to reading your homilies. I have found your web site very informative. Keep up the great work!!!

Craig Medon


Hi, Father.

You have an excellent website with lots of great information! I've added your link to my home page under the heading "Apologists".

God Bless You!!

Love from Lisa Graas
Catholic convert and mother of four,
webmaster, The Lighthouse


Dear Father Bloom,

I just want to thank you for a wonderful website. It is essentially important to her mission that the Church preaches the Truth even, and especially, in the midst of screeching dissent from within. I thank you for clearly pointing out some of the fallacies of the modern "theological" (having little to do with Theos or logic) strollings.


fr. Jan Krutewicz
Chicago Archdiocese


Enjoyed your website and all the various articles/homilies/educational items appearing on it.

I am a priest on leave for more than a year. I left when the effects of depression overshadowed my judgment! I hope someday to return and have made one aborted attempt (since that time I have come to recognize the need to remain on SSRI drugs!).

Anyway, I write to say thanks for the encouragement in your website. One of the problems that seems rampant today is the low morale of priests. Your site is upbeat and centers on the Good News. It gives me something hopeful to grab onto.

Continued blessings in your work!



I think that you are a truly generous man, and (I'm guessing a little here) a wonderful priest. Homilies don't make the priest, but yours are very well put-together. How long does it actually take to write one?

Thanks for the kind word about the homilies. I'm kind of always thinking about them & reading, as well as trying to listen to people. Actually putting them together usually takes five to ten hours per homily - and then for a couple hours on Saturday revising and practicing. It almost always involves some "agony" but also "fun" even exhilaration - not so much to get compliments, but a connection has been made - which is the Holy Spirit using a human instrument. So hours of prayer during the week is what allows things to happen even if the instrument is dull - as I sometimes am.


Father Bloom,

Greetings from Philadelphia! I was wondering if you have any General Funeral and Wedding Homilies on hand that you would be able to email to me. I enjoy your homilies they are well written. God Bless You and your priesthood.

With warmest regards, I am

Msgr. Joseph J. D'Alessandro


Dear Fr. Phil--

In searching for some information on the Web, I came across your web page. I found it very interesting. I especially like the section on Simple Catholicism; it was interesting to read Cardinal George's statement. He has big shoes to fill in Chicago . . . I thought I'd drop you a note as I have some ties to the Church in Seattle--my wife, Ann Ferguson, grew up in St. Anne's parish where her parents are still active. You may also know her uncle Fr. Bill Hausmann, SJ who served at St. Joe's on Capitol Hill and in Enumclaw for several years. Keep up your great site!

--paul constantine


Father Bloom,

I appreciate your resolute answers to questions regarding interpretation and application of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I recently decided to return to the Catholic Church after a twenty year absence. The journey back has been a good one, however, I am struggling with confession. I am simply overwhelmed when I think about how to go about conveying twenty years of sins without omission or downplaying the significance of past sins. I am willing to listen to any words of wisdom you may have to offer me.

Thank you for listening.



(I have to admit that many years ago I got sick of hearing people say how busy they were that I swore I would not say it again myself. I did not keep the promise. It's just too convenient an excuse for not having done something.)

Hi There,

I'm not sure who you are but I found your site, based on a search of P. Kreeft's books. I finished A Refutation of Moral Relativism and Back to Virtue about 3 mos ago and after I get through some Chesterton, I'm back to Kreeft for a few more - though your reviews of The Unaborted Socrates and Christian for Modern Pagans were so compelling, I'll probably go out and buy those and read those first before the three others (Fundamentals of Faith, Snakebite Letters, Shorter Summa) I have waiting...

Anyway, this quote above is Great! It's mine, except I think I've still held to the promise, barely. I work around it constantly by hinting at how "full" life is, but it's a great personal prohibition to have.

I am a wife and mother of seven children (ages 16 down to three), plus, I am a part-time IRS tax collector (might as well admit it) and, a professional classical musician (cellist) with a local string quartet (lacledequartet.org) which takes up a good amount of time each week in rehearsals, concerts and "gigs". Soooo..., guess what? I still have more time than all of my friends, regardless of their working-outside-the-home status, number and ages of children, marital status etc... It's bizarre. I stopped using "busy" when I was helping my husband run the parish cubscout pack and found that everytime I needed help, everyone was very busy, my own toddlers (not to mention older four children) and pregnancies were weighing on me at that time, big time. I had to let go and say, "Fine! I'll never ever use that excuse myself again."

My way of "getting back"!!!

Whoever you are, great reviews, great page. You've got double my prayers if you're a priest too!

God Bless,

Marcia Mann


Hi Phil,

I have throughly enjoyed your webpage! In fact it has inspired me in my priesthood.

I have been a priest for 14 years and at times it can get a little confusing, but with brother priests like yourself, I have managed to walk the path that the Lord Jesus has called me to.

I hope all is well with you. If you wish to respond, I would enjoy to hear from you.


Fr. John Vogel


Dear John,

Wonderful to hear from you. I am delighted to hear the website is an encouragement to a brother priest.

Phil Bloom


Fr. Phil:

I love your website. You really have great information and good arguments in apologetics. I often hear the litany of arguments from liberals and athiests as some of your email exchanges show. I know there are so many arguments to refute their conclusions, but it is so involved, I just don't know where to start a discussion. Often, their statements may be about the environment, but their underlying conclusions stem from their assumption that God doesn't exist. It makes it so much more difficult to discuss, especially when the will of God is my own strongest argument for myself. I have just seen through experience that once you accept christianity, (and more importantly, Catholicism), that this is truth, and all truths become more consistent. Suprisingly, I become more open minded about what science really shows, because I have become confident that the truth will always be shown. Even though the results are not always what we want or what we expect, I think it only shows the complexity of things. I have never yet seen good sound scientific arguments to be inconsistent with Church teaching, but in fact they seem to support Church teaching more and more.

In any case, the reason for my email is to ask if you know of any websites or sources for statistical information on things like marriage and divorce. I'm looking for data on causes for divorce, (such as percentage of people who lived together before marriage that ended up in divorce, religion and divorce, etc.) In addition, I'm looking for statistics on environment such as the number of trees used per year by the lumber industry, (or square miles used), the amount of food consumed by humans and the amount of land required to support this, etc. Any help would be appreciated.

Steve Cortese



I don't have a question or a concern, I just wanted to thank you for what you are doing on your website. I'm a college student and I am faced with defending my faith on a regular basis. I think that we Catholics focus on learning and living our faith rather than arming ourselves with the tools to defend it. I don't think that's wrong at all.

I am grateful for what you writting in such an understandable to common way. You are a light that shows that the faith can be expressed by anyone everyday. I pray that you continue to have the courage to face the hard questions and the hard hearts that write to you. I also just said a prayer for that hard-hearted protestant man who saw fit to attack you personally for all the ill of the past.

My own parish priest was accosted in an airport and blamed by a firey (I'm assume protestant or ex-Catholic) woman who berrated him in public for sitting on the floor and playing a game with the child next to him. I can't say I understand what that must be like, but remember that the vast majority of us can't (and don't often enough) express how much we appreciate what you and your brother priests do.

Thank you and may God bless you,



I teach Holy Communion preparation to teenagers. They are basically Hispanic youth with limited access to the teachings of the Church and limitless access to "superstition" and as I tell them "Grandma's fairy tales". Your website has given me many ideas and background info to answer their very frank questions. I love these near adults and share a good relationship with them so I just wanted to say thank you for taking time to prepare such a great wealth of information for all of us!

Norine /Perth Amboy,N.J


Dear Fr Bloom,

You have a FANTASTIC website! I just stumbled upon it this evening. I am a subject of the Arlington, VA diocese, but go to school in Bloomington, Indiana at IU. I am currently in my third year in the School of Music.

Each week, I and a friend bring 10 fellow-students up to Holy Rosary Church in Indianapolis for the Tridentine Mass celebrated there by a FSSP priest. Three years ago, His Grace, Archbishop Buechlein invited the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter into the Archdiocese. What Grace God has rained upon our little group through this apostolate! Of our 10, 3 are non-Catholic. One, a former Buddhist, was received into the Church two weeks ago! The experience was awesome. I shall always remember the moment of her First Holy Communion as long as I live. The other two will be converting soon. The next is a Mormon (!!), by the way.

We all love the VO, but we love it for the right reasons. There is not one of our group who fails to understand the authority Christ gave His Church to validate any missal she chooses. In fact, the entire FSSP apostolate in Indiana is filled with wonderful CATHOLIC people, who simply love the Latin Mass.

I am well aware of the tendency of some traditionalists to go wacky, as I recently remarked to Stephen Hand (tcrnews.com). We have none of that nonsense here in Indianapolis, which is why, perhaps, the floodgates of Grace have been opened to us.

Of our group, there are two, perhaps three, vocations, including mine. I and my friend hope to go to the FSSP or the Society of St John after graduate school. We are so excited, no, ECSTATIC, about young orthodoxy, about putting those 60's/70's/80's wackos out to pasture (if you forgive me), which is why I love your site so much.

Oremus pro invicem so that we may defend the True Church and her Truths from attacks from within and without; not in a manner political or antagonistic, but lovingly and with charity!

God bless you, Father, and I ask your blessing upon me and the Holy Rosarians.

In Our Lady, Mother Most Perfect,


Just read your 10/20/02 homily online - outstanding as always. I agree completely that life can't be compartmentalized, and for the most part, I think the bishops and the Church SHOULD be involved in politics because most, if not all laws, have a basis (or should) in morality. I grant exceptions for rules such as "you must use the pink form for X, the blue form for Y." But the serious questions of the day whether in politics or not, center on morality. And the Church is in the morality business. One note on the bishops' letter on war with Iraq. I myself am on the fence about the issue, having heard good arguments on both sides, but the problem I had with the bishops letter was its lack of any analysis. It states just war criteria, gives a brief litany of our situtation with Iraq, then skips over applying the criteria to the situation in any meaningful way (which is the most critical portion) and concludes we should not attack (or at least strongly suggest we shouldn't). It never really addresses how this particular situation does or does not satisfy just war, and does not analyze whether just war criteria could ever support a pre-emptive attack, or an offensive attack to save others as opposed to your own citizens/nationality. Granted, these latter issues are more nebulous, and not immediately on the table since the Iraq situation has been spun as "pre-emptive self defense." But if they truly wanted to be helpful (and persuasive) the document should have been better drafted. If they needed more time to do it, they should have taken more time before issuing it.



I just found this website today and it has cleared up so many questions. I feel as though it is an answer to my prayers. I was dealing with guilt and shame over something I'd done and now I understand what the Church teaches. I cannot thank you enough.




Dear Father Bloom,

Greetings. While testing search engines to see if our submitted information has been received (it has not), I came across your site and read with interest the response you penned to the military man. I commend you for your balanced answer. Seeing your interest, perhaps you will also be interested in this site, aimed to strengthen Catholics in the Military, their families, and to promote vocations to the Military Ordinariate: www.Catholicmil.org. It will expand as the Lord allows.

In His Service,

Judy McCloskey
Catholics in the Military
P.O. Box 1757
Front Royal, VA 22630


Hello Father,

I just found your web site a few minutes ago. I have bookmarked it in my "favorites" so that I can return and read it throughly when I have more time later today. For now though I wanted to tell you I appreciate very much what you have done.

I am an American businessman living on the island of Guam. Some time next year I will be moving my family back to the states. One of my apprehensions about that is the state of the Catholic Church in the U.S. is so terrible. It always makes me feel better to find others who try to explain with love the truth about the Church.

The Catholic church in Vietnam and the Philippines is so much more vibrant and openly unapologetic about its truths. Here in Guam, although a U.S. territory, banks and schools close on the most important days of Holy Obligation. It is my desire, once I return to the States, to do what I can to help'fix' things, but I will need to draw on the advice of others such as yourself.

God Bless You,

Kevin Kasperbauer
Dededo, Guam


Dear Kevin,

Thank you for the email and kind words. Am glad the website in some way is helpful. Yes, we must pray and do what we can with kindness and prudence to get the U.S. Church back on the right track. Always remembering that we ourselves are weak and sinful. As St. Paul said, after preaching to others, I do not want to myself be lost.

As you note, we do have a lot to learn from Vietnamese Catholics -and others. Immigrants from Philipines, Mexico, etc. have been a great blessing and challenge for our Church here. Let me know how things go for you.

God bless,

Fr. Phil Bloom


Dear Fr. Bloom,

I wanted to thank you for your web page. I don't always agree with you but your essays are rich with food for thought. I rejected God many years ago and am now struggling to return. Maybe. During my spiritual "surfing" on the web, your site popped up and kept me busy for hours. I can't imagine how you do it all. I'm sure I'm not the only person who has been touched and affirmed in a positive way by something contained in your site.

Assuming the existence of God, May He Bless You.




re usual homily: I was unable to access the response page, so I thought I'd email my response. Doesn't anyone understand the concept of "tongue in cheek?" ;-)

Christine McMillan


Hello Father Bloom,

A good link in re: Pope Pius XII, the holocaust etc. is Rabbi David G. Dalin's Pius XII and the Jews...May Jesus Christ be praised!

Your brother-in-Christ,



I've just come across your website. Keep up the wonderful work.

I am a historian - teacher by trade, researcher by inclination and currently involved in aspects of the Catholic Church in the period of World War II. In particular I am interested in the role of Pius XII and the nature/origin of the calumnies hurled against him at this present time. If you ever read the magazine 'Inside The Vatican' you may have come across material written by me.

God Bless,

Karol Jozef Gajewski (Mr)

