Letter from Fr. Bob Hoffmann, M.M.

Maryknoll Center House
Puno, Peru
January 28, 2000

Dear Phil,

I received word from the Mary Bloom Center yesterday that your mom passed away. I was very sorry to hear the sad news, Phil, and wish to express my sympathy to you and your family. I called Luz (Obst. Luz Marrón, Director of Mary Bloom Center) this a.m. and spoke with her and we arranged to have an 8 day Mass for Mrs. Mary Bloom on Thursday next week at 10 a.m. in the Chapel of the Inmaculada High School.

The Center is really doing well, as you know. The Campaign (Sí a la Vida) went very well and was very successful and I'm sure that now with your mom helping from Heaven the Center will flourish even more.

It is such an important center for young women and young couples, married and single. For me, it shows that the Church is very positively involved in the issue of the transcendental importance and value of Human Life. That the Church is not there just to say no to abortion as an impersonal Institution, but that it puts itself on the line to help couples and families to plan their families so they can be filled with love instead of fear and dread.

Anyway, Phil, I am with you during these difficult days, with my friendship.

Bob Hoffmann

(Fr. Robert Hoffmann M.M. is spritual director of the Mary Bloom Center.)

Obituary of Mary Bloom
