What does John's Jesus tell us about God?

From: Forster, Marc Benjamin - FORMB001 [mailto:FORMB001@students.unisa.edu.au]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 9:02 PM

Subject: Gospel of John


As you can see i am a teaching students at the Univeristy of South Australia, and I am writing you to ask you a question regarding an assignment that i am doing for Theology and Gospel.

The question is:- John in some ways is a story of what Jesus has done for God. What does John's Jesus tell us about God?

I am aware that there is speculation that Jesus represents God in this Gospel, but are you able to provide any information to the above question, and are there any websites you recommend.

Thank You



Dear Marc,

Good to hear from you. By now you have probably completed the assignment. I am flattered that you asked me the question as I a pretty much a simple parish priest and it has been thirty years since I formally studied theology. Of course over the years I have read and preached on John's Gospel often. As far as I can see the best way to understand John's Gospel is as Jesus' revelation that he has come from the Father eternally ("In the beginning was the Word..."), that he "took flesh and dwelt among us" in order to "do the will of the Father." That he came not to condemn, but to save and that salvation comes by believing in him and eating his flesh and drinking his blood. And that he continues his presence in his Church - through the Holy Spirit - and that he gave Peter and his sucessors primacy in "feeding his sheep."

This Lent I did a series of homilies on John beginning with: What She Desired More recently I Am the Way. I hope there might be something helpful.

Also a prayer for you personally, Marc.

Fr. Phil Bloom

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