Easter Message

(April 23, 2000)

See Article in Hispanic News

Young people today long for heroes, someone they can look to as a model of self sacrifice. It is perhaps easy to identify such role models from the past - great leaders like Benito Juarez or Abraham Lincoln who gave their lives in service to others. Pope John Paul II (himself a wonderful role model) has proposed numerous saints as examples for young people. One is Saint Katharine Drexel (1858 -1955) a Philadelphia woman who devoted her life to caring for the poor and marginalized. As heiress of a twenty million dollar fortune she could have had a comfortable, care-free existence. Instead she chose to sell everything, give it to the poor and follow Jesus.

The great hero who gives meaning to all acts of self sacrifice is Jesus himself. This Sunday we celebrate his triumph over the forces of evil - his resurrection from the dead. As pastor of Holy Family Parish I invite you to draw close to the Risen Jesus. If you are feeling discouraged, he is the source of hope. If you are weak, he gives strength. If you are lonely, he alone can fill your empty heart. Come to him, especially you young people. He has all you need for a meaningful life here on earth and - what count most - eternal life with him in the Communion of Saints.

Padre Felipe Bloom
