I chanced (or was I guided?) upon your website and read a few articles.
One that particulary interested me was the case against naturalism. What concerns me is not the argument itself but your intentions revealed through certain phrases.
To get to the point - is it really your place to "impose your morality" on anyone? Surely the job of every human being on this planet (and those floating around it) is to be compassionate to all - no matter what their crime or "sin".
As people interacting with each other we have to make judgements about each other, of course, but wouldn't it be better if we chose to be compassionate in our judgements rather than judgemental and "imposing" an opinion that will only invoke guilt? Guilt does not heal people - forgiveness does!
Perhaps that's what you meant, or maybe I'm just confused!
Best wishes,
Yours compassionately,
Dear Ryan,
Thanks for the email and the feedback. It would be helpful to me, if you could point out the "certain phrases" that indicated I wished to "impose" my morality on others. I did not intend to do so, but I know that sometimes, perhaps often, I am not a very clear writer.
Prayers - and a Blessed Easter!
Fr. Bloom
P.S. I wholly agree that only forgiveness (from Jesus and the ones we hurt) heals. Of course, to receive forgiveness, we must first acknowledge our guilt.
Homily on Judgmentalism & Tolerance (a parody)
Other Questions **********
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