July 9, 2004

Ms. Stacey Denis

Planned Parenthood – West Seattle Health Center

9641 28th Ave SW

Seattle, WA 98126


Dear Ms. Denis, 


I am writing this letter on behalf of the Respect Life Committee of Holy Family Parish.  Beginning this month we will be conducting peaceful, non-violent prayer vigils on the sidewalk in front of your facility.  In doing so, we are exercising our freedom as citizens to engage in lawful protest.  We make no judgment on the intentions of those who work at Planned Parenthood, but we are concerned about certain aspects of the organization:


·        It is the largest abortion provider in the United States – and throughout the world.

·        It vigorously promotes the contraceptive life-style to those married and unmarried, to adults and to youth. An example of this is the coupon you sent to local residents offering one year of free contraception to certain categories of people.

·        It uses deceptive advertising, such as calling the “Morning After Pill” emergency contraception when in fact it can take effect after conception, thus destroying a newly conceived human.

·        Historically Planned Parenthood has tended to target minorities, opening clinics in neighborhoods like ours which have significant minority populations.

·        It provides abortion and birth control to minors without informing their parents, thus creating an additional division between parent and child.

·        It has covered up cases of statutory rape.


These claims are well documented – and we would be most willing to discuss any of them with you.  At the same time, we are ready to help young people recognize there are alternatives to abortion and the contraceptive lifestyle.  We – and other Christian churches in the area - would do our utmost to assist them so that they might have a genuine choice. 


If you wish further information or desire to discuss any aspect of this letter, please feel free to call me at:  206-767-6220.






Fr. Phillip Bloom
