I have enjoyed reading your numerous questions and answer sessions and have a question for you….
I am a 32 yr. old, newly returned to the Church, Catholic. I am in love and plan to be married in the church to a non-Catholic. (I was never confirmed or have ever taken communion and am looking forward to making my wedding day especially special.)
He is Baptist and was married previously by a Justice of the Peace. When I asked my parish priest about the marriage he informed us that my fiancé would need to get an annulment-of which would be easy as the former wife was into drugs, partying, and they were young and not old enough to make the adult decision to get married.
We got the paperwork, although he is not looking forward to re-hashing anything and would rather not go through it as he thinks that the divorce papers are good enough, but will do the paperwork to make me happy.
Meanwhile another friend-who is Catholic-spoke with a different priest and said that my fiancé would not need to get an annulment due to the fact that neither he nor his first wife were Catholic and that they were divorced.
So, my question is if we need to get the annulment or not.
Thank you for your help.
Dear Patty,
First of all, congratulations on your return to Christ's Church. And on meeting a very fine man. My prayers that all will work out well.
Your question is an important one - and as your letter indicates, something which many Catholics (even a few priests) do not understand. Marriage was instituted by God at the moment of creating the first man and woman (Gen 2:24). For that reason the Church presumes the validity of the marriage of two non-Catholics. (A Catholic, however, is subject to the laws of the Church and cannot validly marry without the presence of a witness delegated by the bishop - usually a priest or deacon, but in some cases the bishop may even delegate a lay person to perform the proper marriage ceremony.)
So, yes, your fiance does need to obtain a declaration of nullity ("annulment") before you can marry him in the Catholic Church. The St. Louis marriage tribunal has a good series of questions and answers (see below)
Again, Patty, prayers and best wishes.
Fr. Phil Bloom
1. What is the Catholic Church's understanding of marriage? Marriage is a covenant by which a man and woman establish between themselves
a partnership of the whole of life, which of its very nature is ordered
to the well being of the spouses and to the procreation and upbringing
of children. 2. When is a marriage a Sacrament? A validly contracted marriage is raised to the level of a sacrament
solely by virtue of the fact that both parties are validly baptized.
This is true even between two baptized non-Catholics. Through the grace
of baptismal status, Christ himself raises a marriage to sacramental
dignity. Marriages between a baptized and an unbaptized person can be
valid and binding even though not a sacrament. 3. What is a declaration of nullity? A declaration of nullity, also called an annulment, is a judgment
made by a Tribunal of the Catholic Church that on the basis of evidentiary
proof a given relationship was not a binding marriage in the way
the Catholic Church understands marriage to have been established by
Almighty God. Here, it has been proven either that one of the essential
elements of marriage or the necessary personal capacity for competent
consent was lacking at the time the parties wed. Therefore, a relationship
which may have approximated marriage according to civil or social standards
is deemed not to have been a binding marriage in the way marriage was
ordained by Almighty God. 4. What is the difference between divorce and an ecclesiastical
decree of nullity? Divorce indicates that the lived experience of a couple's partnership
has been irremediably damaged. Divorce puts an end to the binding contractual
relationship which exists between spouses relative to civil law. From
the Church's point of view, divorce merely indicates that the lived
experience of a couple's partnership has been severed. Divorce has
no capacity to alter the binding nature of the marital contract or covenant
a couple creates by their exchanged consent. A decree of nullity issued by a Tribunal of the Catholic
Church is a judgment based on proof that, because of some personal incapacity
or because of the exclusion of some essential element of marriage, a
valid and binding marital bond, as ordained by Almighty God, was never
created between the two parties. (Please contact the Metropolitan Tribunal if you have questions about
possible grounds for a decree of nullity). 5. If the Church teaches that marriage is forever, how can they
grant annulments? The Catholic Church believes that a valid and consummated marital
bond between two baptized persons cannot be severed by any entity B
civil or religious. However, there are circumstances in which what may
have appeared to have been a marriage between two persons was
never in fact a binding covenant, either because of personal incapacity
for consent or because one of the essential elements of marriage was
excluded when the parties gave their consent. 6. Can I seek a decree of nullity if I've been married a
long time or have children? Yes. A Tribunal investigation examines the capacity of the
parties for sufficient and proportionate marital consent at the time
the consent was given. Whether a couple's partnership lasts a few months
or for several years and whether or not a couple bore children are not
always determinant issues. 7. Does a decree of nullity make children illegitimate? NO! The law of the Catholic Church never denies the factual
or historical existence of the parents' relationship, nor does it deny
that it may have been a binding marriage by civil or social standards.
Hence, the Catholic Church's law deems that any children born of a relationship
which was presumed by at least one of the parents to be a valid and
binding marriage at the time are to be considered legitimate, even
if at a later time the marital bond is proven to have been invalid and
null. 8. Can a divorced Catholic receive the Sacraments? YES! Divorce only indicates that the lived experience of a
couple's partnership has ended. As long as a divorced person has
not initiated any subsequent marital or similar relationship with another
partner and as long as he or she is, according to one's conscience,
in the state of grace, there is nothing preventing him or her from
sacramental participation. 9. Can a divorced person remarry in the Catholic Church? Only if, through a tribunal process, that person's previous marriage
has been proven to have been null can a divorced person be considered
free to exchange marital consent with a new spouse. 10. Can I still be a part of the Church if I am remarried without
a declaration of nullity? The choice to remarry without having received a declaration of nullity
concerning one's prior marital bond sets a person apart from the Church
with regard to full sacramental participation. One cannot receive Holy
Communion when one's lifestyle is not in communion with the teachings
of the Catholic faith. Still, there is grace to be gained through participation
in Sunday worship, particularly in the nourishment that comes from God's
Word, the Homily, the Church's devotional piety, community fellowship,
and other aspects of Catholic life. 11. Why would a non-Catholic need a decree of nullity from
the Catholic Church? The Catholic Church recognizes all marriages between non-Catholics
to be valid and binding as long as they meet civil requirements about
the way consent is to be exchanged. A divorced non-Catholic, in order
to seek marriage with a Catholic in the Catholic Church, must be considered
free to marry. This requires that the whole of his or her life and marital
history be brought into harmony with the teaching of the Catholic faith
to which the Catholic intended spouse adheres. Hence, if the non-Catholic
has previously been married, that first marital bond must be proven
null before he or she can be considered free to marry anew. 12. Do I have to contact my former spouse? What if he/she will not
cooperate or cannot be contacted? Ecclesiastical law requires that the rights of both spouses be protected.
This demands that every legitimate effort be made to contact the former
spouse and allow his/her participation in the Tribunal process. If a
former spouse truly cannot be found or chooses not to participate, the
Tribunal process continues. There is no need for the parties to have
direct contact with one another. 13. Are witnesses necessary during a formal investigation? Yes. The law of the Catholic Church requires that all allegations of
marital nullity be substantiated and wholly corroborated by the testimony
of witnesses who had knowledge of the parties prior to and at the time
of their wedding. These witnesses can include family and friends, as
well as counselors. 14. How do I begin? It is best to begin with your parish Priest, who will assist you in
formulating your initial application. Then the Tribunal will send you
the appropriate questionnaire as well as assign you the assistance of
an Advocate for the remainder of the process. 15. Does applying for an annulment assure me of getting one? No. Every marriage is presumed to be valid and binding until proven
otherwise. The process of proving nullity is not an effort to assess
blame for marital breakdown, but to understand its root causes and to
determine whether it resulted from an incapacity for competent consent
or any other impediment to marriage. If the testimony provided during
an investigation is inconclusive or insufficiently probative, a declaration
of nullity cannot be issued. 16. How much does the Tribunal process cost? In the Archdiocese of St. Louis, a formal Tribunal investigation is
assessed a fee of $500, which is the responsibility of the Petitioner.
Declarations of nullity cannot be purchased. This fee is payment for
the Church's legal services and yet, does not cover the entire cost
of the process. The remainder of the actual cost is subsidized by the
Archdiocese. At no time is anyone denied a Tribunal process because
of financial hardship. All billing is handled by the Archdiocesan Finance
Office, not the Tribunal. Our Pastoral Goal The Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of St. Louis is a court
of the Catholic Church charged with the responsibility of seeking and
administering justice. With regard to marriage cases, our task is to
assist people in arriving at a determination of the truth concerning
the binding nature of their marital bond. The pursuit and acceptance of the truth about one's life can surely
facilitate the healing process. Yet, we believe that this is but one
aspect within a broad spectrum of processes that accompany a person
in his/her recovery from marital breakdown and return to wholeness. The Tribunal's responsibility to those suffering the pain of marital
breakdown is primarily canonical. Therefore, we encourage men and women
who have suffered marital breakdown to establish and develop a professional
relationship with a priest or pastoral minister. In that additional
forum, a person can benefit more directly from pastoral assistance along
the path of reconciliation and be provided appropriate pastoral counsel.
These ministries lie outside the primary ministry of the Tribunal. Other Questions